
In a democracy the two party system is a two-edged sword, or maybe a two handed game, where the contestants, the two political parties, are easily identified and the players, the voters, are fundamentally divided by their IQs, a selection process dictated by nature, for by definition one half the populace has an IQ below 100 and one half the population has an IQ above 100. The lower IQs tend to gravitate to, and vote for, the party that promises them things they value, like checks and government cheese, while the higher IQs tend to gravitate to, and vote for, the party that promises them things they value, like freedom and opportunity. The contest is essentially even, but when enough high IQ voters become enchanted with the smiling, good looking, smooth talking snake oil salesman, guess who wins.

Democracy, I will admit
Has much that’s recommended
And in return it will permit
A freedom that’s pretended
The people put in office, men
And women will then harden
Their grasp on power and who when
Arrested get a pardon
It matters not that thieves and crooks
Adorn the halls of power
They smile and slyly cook the books
And watch the money shower
But all this matters not a whit
So long as they deliver
The phones and checks they’ll be a hit
A sugar daddy giver
It’s all just a two handed game
The IQs no divider
When highs elect to their great shame
The low IQ provider

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