The Ties That Unbind

The United States has always been a fractious people, with deeply held differences, but always united in one thing; their love of country, exemplified in the past by the instant response to the flag and the national anthem. On national holidays flags adorned every house and every building. When the high school band marched onto the field and struck up the opening bars of The Star Spangled Banner everyone in the stands stood up and placed a hand over his heart, and thrilled to the meaning of the words and music, thrilled to see the flag gently rippling at the bidding of sweet freedom’s breeze. No more. The Left has ripped us apart, stripped us of the one thing that united us all, Democrat and Republican, believer and atheist, black and white, male and female, rich and poor, the shared unity of belonging to the same magnificent and beautiful country. The Democratic Party has embarked on the dangerous policy of dividing the country in order to gain electoral victories through identity politics, and has succeeded only in dividing us. We are divided as never before, and are, perhaps, mortally wounded. When NFL football players piss on the flag they piss on the country, and we are forced to choose sides. I know whose side I am on.

The beauty of the spacious skies and amber waves of grain
Are spit upon by those who think that they have much to gain
By tearing up the compact that the rest of us believe
And spitting on the folks who wear their hearts upon their sleeve
Who stand up for the anthem and salute the nation’s flag
While Lefty slugs insist that it is just a dirty rag
The players who piss on the flag and sit or take a knee
Complete the Leftist goal of half the country slave, half free

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