
Everybody has a graph. There are graphs to explain other graphs, there are graphs to refute other graphs, there are graphs designed to allow the maker of the graph to brag about something, and graphs to show that the bragging graph is really a sobbing, beg forgiveness for all my sins graph. There is an old saying, that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Is that what these graphs are intended for, to convince us that the grass is or is not greener on the other side of the fence? Whose graph do we believe?


What can we make of all these graphs

That make the bleak world meaner

Are they in fact but epitaphs

That make the pain much keener

What can we make of all those lines

That say our wealth is leaner

Perhaps we need to see some signs

That say the graphs is greener

Beyond the Lefty box we’re in

That takes us to the cleaner

We need to hush the Lefty din

And live where graphs is greener


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