The Fire Of The Sun

Murderous Muslims have stormed a school in Pakistan and killed over one hundred and sixty people, most of them children between the ages of eight and twelve. Just another example of the murderous mentality of Islam. Fourteen hundred years is a long time to be at war with a religion that is determined to kill us all. The adherents of the religion of peace see the current seeming weakness of the West as an opportunity to do what they had failed to do at Vienna and Lepanto, and when they acquire nuclear weapons they will use them on us without a moment’s hesitation. It is time to be unabashedly bloody minded.

It is time to build the pyre
It is time to get it done
It is time to light the fire
Of the all consuming sun
Time to burn out the infection
Tear their hearts out with our hands
No debate and no reflection
Kill them as their god demands
Let the flames grow ever higher
Finish off what they’ve begun
It is time to light the fire
Of the all consuming sun

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