Youthful Days

Those of us of a certain age look back fondly at the times when we were kids and diced with death and won. It may be the dicing was not quite as devil daring as we now imagine it to have been. I remember, acquiring the ripe old age of 14, going back to the old neighborhood and finding the enormously tall tree I climbed when I was six and finding it somewhat less than I remembered.



When I think of my youthful days

And of the very many ways

I diced with danger, laughing all the while

Today when I am gray and old

I find that I am less than bold

And pleased that carefulness is now my style

I climbed tall trees and billboards too

I truly did enjoy the view

Up high where eagles soared and called my name

But what at six seemed fearsome height

In retrospect it almost might

Seem not so far from ground and less than tame


 See my novels and collected verse at Amazon, paperback and 99 cent Kindle HERE 

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