Louis Farrakhan, the demented muslim black preacher who hates the United States in general and all white people in particular, has recently accused his brother Barack of hurting all muslims by his actions in Libya. One expects Farrakhan to defend Khaddafi, since Khaddafi has given millions of dollars to Farrakhan. Farrakhan has been around a long time, spewing his racial hatred, as have race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Why do black people give these shysters their money and their cheers? Why do black folks vote for the likes of Marion Barry all the time? Oh, I know. You’re right. It’s because we whites oppress them.
Why do Americans of skin color black
Follow leaders like Jesse and Lou
While Marion Barry and Al Sharpton’s claque
Scream racist while hatred they spew
Race hustlers and gangsters, they live off the sweat
Of people far better than they
Are these men the best that the black folk can get
Why don’t they just tell them go ‘way
Farrakhan wants all the white folks be dead
And if up to him we would be
And Jesse agrees but would rather instead
Leave a few of us to pay his fee
Yet taken together these men do not count
To most Farrakhan’s just a nut
He takes Daffy’s money, who cares what amount
Is this a great country or what
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