Tag Archives: cia drones

A Pattern Of Life

The CIA now has the capability of tracking enemy combatants by the manner in which they spend their days. The CIA calls this The Pattern Of Life. No one is safe from the drones and the satellites. Lead an ordinary, everyday existence and you are safe, but repeatedly do something that raises a red flag, and the next drone you don’t see will have a missile for you. For now it is only used in Afghanistan, but who knows what the future holds? Luckily for me I don’t have a life, so I don’t have a pattern.



I fear not the drones

For my pattern of life

Is completely flatlined

You can just ask my wife

I sit at my desk

Little mouse in my hand

Staring at a flat screen

While the hour glass sand

Flows so swiftly it seems

That the days turn to night

With a wild rushing wind

Strong enough to give fright

No I fear not the drone

Nor the missiles it brings

For the CIA strikes

Only poor men, not kings

I sleep well at night

I know I’m not alone

For the UAVs know

That I too am a drone



Nostradamus, Guest Blogger, Vol 3

Nostradamus, guest blogger, speaks elliptically, but only for effect, for he knows the future and the past, though he is unclear about the present. Nonetheless, the sage, the seer, the great one, sees the Persian Empire aglow as an Asian peninsula explodes, and a Syrian potentate expresses regrets as the sand beneath his feet turns to glass and the Afghan sky turns dark with flocks of man-made birds. 



Dear leader’s missiles will inflate

The danger faced by neighbor state

While mullahs watch the tension grow

And wonder when the thing will blow


The Pashtun border will be drawn

With Afghan leader as its pawn

Drones and worker bees will fly

And predators will fill the sky


Anointed one will now address

Syrian ophthalmologist to press

The Mid-East health and wonder why

They cannot both see eye to eye