General David Petraeus has been named to succeed General McChrystal as Supreme Commander in Afghanistan. We remember how Obama and the entire liberal chorus screamed when President Bush sent him to Iraq to surge the fight and win the war, how they took full page ads in the New York Times sliming him as General BetrayUs. But that was then, and the last thing the left wanted was for a Republican to win a war, and so they did everything in their power to see that the country lost, because if the war was lost under the hated Bush then that would mean winning votes for Democrats, and who cares about the country losing a stupid little war when votes for Democrats are at stake. But now it looks like the Afghan war is being unaccountably lost under the leadership of the Light-giver, the Messiah, the sainted Barack Hussein Obama, and so Cincinnatus has been called upon to put down his plow and save the Anointed One the momentary distress of having lost a war, and therefore votes.
General Petraeus now is back in charge
Fighting all the battles both the small and large
Giving clear directions to the gunny sarge
Yes he will show them how
Don’t you think it’s funny that when Pres’dent Bush
Sent him to Iraq Obama tried to push
For his sacking but he’s now in Hindu Kush
Yes O’s all for him now
Remember when the Olbermann and Soros clan
And every liberal chorus gal and chorus man
Said he was BetrayUs and did all they can
To get him stoned to death
But now the story’s changed and now he’s theirs for good
All that he’s BetrayUs was misunderstood
Now the left will fight just like they always would
But just don’t hold your breath