Tag Archives: global warming

Cap And Trade

Powerline has some devastating stuff on the coming vote in the House on the Cap and Trade bill. President Obama and the Democrats in Congress are pressing furiously for a carbon tax to fund their outrageous giveaways of trillions of dollars to the unions and other faithful. Of course they don’t call it a tax on every single American who lives and breathes and exhales carbon dioxide, they call it carbon cap and trade, and are prepared to convince the unwashed rest of us that the tax won’t fall on us but on polluters like the people who supply our electricity. The idea, so they claim, is that the government will set the minimum amount of carbon allowed to enter our pristine atmosphere, and that people who do not reach that minimum may sell their unused carbon credits to people who do exceed the minimum. Also, carbon emitters may buy carbon credits from companies who will plant trees or bloom the oceans, the trees and plankton blooms eating the carbon and thereby canceling out the overproduction of carbon dioxide by the industry now deemed a polluter. Bear in mind that former Vice President Albert Gore owns a carbon credit company, and so stands to make a whole lot of money out of this global warming scam he has done so much to promote.


The environmentalists behind the scam see a bright future in a carbonless world, President Obama and the Democrats see a way to tax their way out of the trillions in debt they have foisted on the country, and Mr. Gore sees immense personal profit. No matter that carbon is the essential building block of all life on earth, and that without carbon life as we know it would not be possible. No matter to the environmentalists, the Democrats and Mr. Gore. Carbon is bad. Oliver Cromwell was once cautioned by a close friend, “For the love of God, Oliver, consider you may be wrong!” William Rutherford, in a paper to the Royal Society, once calculated how much longer the sun would continue to burn by assuming the sun was composed of the finest Welsh coal. Rutherford had the grace to add that the calculation depended on further information about the nature of the sun. Chesterton famously remarked that a man who does not believe in God does not believe in nothing, he believes in anything.  And that is where we now are. People who have nothing to believe in now believe in anything. The global warming alarmists have no inclination to consider they may be wrong, for they have an agenda, and are convinced, despite the history of cooling and warming cycles, despite the science, that Western man and Western civilization are destroying the planet, and so therefore Western man and Western civilization must be destroyed. The global warming fanatics who are driving this travesty of science and common sense at least believe the nonsense they are spewing. I’m not sure President Obama and the Democrats believe any of the global warming nonsense, but they sure are trying like hell to take advantage of it by passing carbon cap and trade, and if they succeed, it will be the largest single tax increase on every single American in the history of the country. How did we come to this?



Alarmists say the USA is harming

Earth and little people everywhere

Adding to that awful global warming

Far more than our natural global share

Carbon is the real time big time villain

Carbon’s got to go the creatures say

Anybody caught by Feds while spillin’

The stuff into the air will surely pay

But there’s a way to keep that old pollution

From making all your profits fall and fade

All you need is formal absolution

By buying into that neat cap and trade

Here is how it works, it’s really easy

You just buy credits from the comp’ny store

Don’t worry if you feel a little queasy

To learn the company’s owned by one Al Gore

We’ve got to clean the atmosphere in some way

We’ve got to have clean air and all that stuff

So what if little people lose their payday

You know some people always have it rough

The upside to it is the ones we do please

Envirowhackos and their loopy crowd

Are happy to collect and spend the new fees

What’s more our sacrifice sure makes them proud

To think the USA now takes the world lead

In shutting down our fact’ries and our work

To stop the Warming’s awful frightful warp speed

They’re proud to see that none of us will shirk

In the big fight ‘gainst cigarettes and whalers

We’re all on board to save good planet earth

From all us fascist CO2 exhalers

Who started breathing shortly after birth