Tag Archives: iranian missiles

The Fizz Is Gone

Neither Ahmadinejad nor Bibi Netanyahu pay the slightest attention to the President of the United States, demand or cajole as he will.  The North Koreans continue to detonate nukes and test missiles, the Iranians continue to build nukes, test missiles and threaten to destroy Israel, and Israel refuses to commit national suicide when asked nicely by President Obama to do so, even though the President continues to promise Bibi the famous Obama smile would be enough to deflect incoming. Verse-afire has recently come into possession of a private letter Ahmadinejad sent to President Obama, the text of which follows.



What’s that you say, you wish we’d stop?

Whatever do you mean?

You used to be the biggest cop

But now you’re truly seen

For what you are, a toothless boy

Come begging for to please

Your cringing manner brings us joy

And puts us at our ease

We’ve told you many times before

Our nukes are not for hold

We’ll go ahead and build our store

If we may be so bold

We know you try to do your best

To look so rough and tough

But we know you won’t pass the test

Big smiles just ain’t enough

But Bibi now’s, a different guy

He’s told you where to go

He knows what’s up, he isn’t shy

He’s gonna strike a blow

But we think we are ready for

Whatever Bibi does

We think that we can win this war

In partly just becuz

We know whose side that you are on

We know just where you stand

We know that you are no Sharon

We know you’ll lend no hand

To either side, that’s who you is

You’re just above all that

Where once US made soda fizz

Today the soda’s flat