President Obama has so far shown a pronounced reluctance to fight, to stand up for American interests, and soon will face the most deadly crisis of all, a nuclear armed Iran. What will he do? Will he be John Kennedy, and act forcefully, or will he back down and grovel? Imagine the conversation between Jack and Bobby as they view the current occupant of the White House.
BOBBY: I think Iran is shaping up
To hit us good and hard
The problem is Obama has
Let down the country’s guard
JACK: It’s like the missiles, Bobby, when
I made that Khruschev blink
Eyeball to eyeball we went and
I told the Navy sink
The ships that carried missiles to
That island in the sun
They turned around and went back home
Would not stare down the gun
BOBBY: But that was then and this is now
Obama’s now in charge
I fear he’ll just equivocate
And tell the world at large
That we no longer have the will
To stand up for a fight
I greatly fear that he’ll back down
And not do what is right
JACK: It saddens me to think of what
Our party has become
Where once we had a Truman now
Obama sticks his thumb
Right up his ass and makes believe
He’s just as tough as nails
Yet when the merde hits the fan
The navy never sails
BOBBY: How did the country ever think
A man like that could lead
We see the future, Jack, and know
A coward can’t succeed
JACK: There’s still a chance, the future’s not
A record set in stone
The country has good men on call
And they are not alone
We will survive, we always have
We muddle through somehow
Survived some lousy presidents
Come on, let’s get some chow
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