Tag Archives: kidnapped nigerian girls

The Black Hole Of Calcutta

The news that Christian girls as young as twelve are being kidnapped from their villages in Nigeria by Muslims and being held as captive sex slaves has received scant attention from the western press, and especially the American press, intent as they are on the Republican war on women and the non-existent assault on gay rights. The American media is not a collection of news organizations so much as a collection of Democrat lap dogs. We do not expect them to be neutral arbiters of the news nor do they pretend to be. Kidnapped girls in Africa is beyond their concern, as is anything else that does not advance the progressive narrative and agenda.

The darkest black hole of Calcutta
Is brighter by far than the tomb
That’s lived in by western reporters
Where black holes are called the press room
The black holes are there for the purpose
Of keeping the news to their taste
All news has an event horizon
With never a cycle to waste
Beyond that the news is a service
To causes reporters embrace
The narrative must be observed and
Tea Party exposed in each case
That young girls are kidnapped in Niger
And sold as sex chattel enslaved
Is nothing to those in the newsrooms
Who think the deprived are depraved
Besides which no white men are present
No Christians to hammer with tongs
They sit before PCs and cameras
At ease with their scotch and their bongs