The Washington Times has revealed that the United States Justice Department has ruled that a small town of 23,000 people in North Carolina, two-thirds of whom are Black, cannot have an election where the candidates on the ballot have no party label, saying that without a Democratic party label the Black voters of the town would not know who to vote for. The question is, who is the racist here, the black folks of Kinston, NC who know their neighbors and who voted in a valid election to have non-party identified candidates, or the same Justice Department hack who dismissed charges against the Black Panthers who forcefully and aggressively intimidated white voters at a polling booth in Philadelphia last election and who now says that Black people are too dumb to vote without being told which candidate is the Democrat?
Now listen up, here’s how it works
We put a great big D
Next to the name so you dumb jerks
Know where your rice bowl be
We can’t expect that you will know
Your neighbor is a Dem
We can’t afford you’ll stoop so low
To vote for one of them
By them I mean the GOP
Those racist gangsters who
Would suck the blood from you and me
And stick it to us too
That’s why we need you be aware
Of just who’s on your side
Without a label you’d just stare
Unable to decide
You’d stand and scratch your wooly head
Bewildered and perplexed
You know the Rs just want you dead
We’ll get those suckers next
In closing let me say to all
Black voters in the State
It’s folks like you answering the call
Who make this country great