Why do liberals all mightily resist school vouchers, school choice for kids of low income parents, while the kids of liberals go to private schools? Why did slave owners keep their slaves in cabins and forbid schooling to the slaves? The answer to both questions is the same: control. Control over the lives of the people on the liberal plantation, beholden to the liberal government for their very existence, and thus a guaranteed voting base for liberal politicians. The liberals have offered a segment of the population a cabin in the sky, and they have taken it. And like most very simple things, it works.
The liberals know these little kids
On whom their parents dote
Will one day soon be guaranteed
To swell the liberal vote
For those who’ve kept them locked in chains
In schools where failing grades
Are norms the liberals strive to keep
That’s why there are no trades
Allowing kids in failing schools
To opt out and to know
Much better schools just like the ones
Where kids of liberals go
If politics is where you are
A member of the left
You want your base beholden to
The liberals who are deft
At keeping kids of welfare moms
From getting up too high
‘Cause if untaught then they’ll accept
Your cabin in the sky