President Obama’s new Chief Diversity Officer of the Federal Communications Commission, Mark Lloyd, has called for private radio companies to pay licensing fees equal to their entire operating costs. Naturally, National Public Radio will not be required to pay this diversity licensing fee, since the entire purpose of this extortion is to drive conservative talk radio into extinction. President Obama insists he is not in favor of the Fairness Doctrine, known to all smirking liberals as the Favor Us Doctrine, yet appoints a man to oversee the diversity (read infusion of left wing views) of privately owned radio stations who is ferociously in favor of it. This is not double-speak, this is Obama-speak, which really is the same thing.
To ask the question why do Dems
Our freedoms like to crush
Is answered because we have gems
Like Hannity and Rush
And they have no one like the guys
And gals who’re on our side
And so to no one’s big surprise
They need to set aside
The Constitution’s guarantee
Of free speech for us all
By claiming that it isn’t free
If their side cannot call
Upon a host or two or more
Who can an audience hold
Who doesn’t make the listener snore
Who doesn’t leave them cold
They claim they simply can’t abide
Unfairness done to them
By having only on their side
The entire MSM