A few weeks ago suicide bombers killed many and wounded very many more in Moscow. The reaction of the US State Department was instructive. We were told to not jump to conclusions, that it is unclear the suicide bombing had anything to do with Islam. The problem with reluctance to admit you are at war is that when that war becomes unbearable, the reaction will be much worse than it would be if we took action against those people now. When an Iranian bomb incinerates a western city it will be too late for judicious use of force, and the muslim world will learn a very hard lesson indeed.
A bomber strikes again but still
We cannot know for sure
If Muslim bomb was used to kill
Or just nutcase du jour
No matter that the pattern’s past
The suicide, the shout
Of Allah Akbar ‘fore the blast
Should raise but little doubt
No better that we turn our heads
And not blame Allah’s kin
For if we march with hob-nailed treads
It’s possible we’ll win
And winning is so déclassé
Among our Lefty folks
Who think that murder is okay
But frown at Muslim jokes
The time is coming, heed the sign
When forbearance erodes
And swift commands go down the line
Installing firing codes
And when the silos empty out
And all the birds have flown
The bomber’s Allah Akbar shout
Becomes an Allah moan
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