Tag Archives: pundits and economists

A Whole Lot Of Ifs

Pundits and economists now argue that if the US can increase its exports, if it can turn the current economic crisis into downsizing business opportunities, if it can successfully develop more domestic energy resources, if President Obama taxes investment less and consumption more then America can begin “a long overdue rebalancing”. That’s an awful lot of Ifs.



IF, by Rudyard Crippling


If you can lose your jobs but hope your exports be increased

If you can hope your plans for windmills breed success

If you can tax them more and yet the downsizing be ceased

If you can raise the debt and still survive the mess

If you can hold your head up high despite the polls

If you can throw your friends and allies ‘neath the bus

If you can ram the healthcare through to meet your goals

If you can crash and burn and blame it all on us

If you can leave the country bitter, broke and sore

If you can put your commie friends in highest place

If you can drive the ship of state upon the shore

If you can lie to all with still a smiling face

If you can do these things and know that you’re the One

Then you are truly Oba Man, my son