Being human, we sometimes think of the end of life and what it may bring. Some believe it brings eternal life, while others believe it leads only the darkness of the grave. Whether life is full of trials and travail or is all honey and roses, I believe the end is the same for all of us; a short walk on a beach, before we meet He who made us.
Alone on the beach with the sky turning gray
The timeless sea murmuring low
Our minds try to reach out to the coming day
But deep in our souls this we know
That we are but one of the coarse grains of sand
That God in his wisdom has placed
On all of the beaches that make up the band
Of star worlds that His Son has graced
Alone on the beach with the coming of dawn
Our thoughts turn to God’s holy might
We know none will miss us for long when we’re gone
And walk down that path toward the light
The universe moves on without us it seems
As hard as it is to believe
The stars do not care for our hopes and our dreams
And its only ourselves who will grieve
Alone on the beach with our wonder to give
As the murmuring sea sheds the night
We know that with God’s grace we always will live
Safe and warm in our God’s holy sight