The Belmont Club has a post about the Left’s influence and agenda in the government of the United States. Cool and calm and rational, Richard Fernandez describes how Obama has handed the direction of the country to a radical leftist, Nancy Pelosi, and how debt and incompetence are the driving forces of this administration. But I am not calm and rational about it. I believe the leftists now running the country are like vampires, drinking our life’s blood and taking us with them, whether we like it or not, to their dark, dank and mold encrusted graves.
They lay in darkness, waiting dusk
They cannot stand the light
They smell of rotting flesh and musk
They hate us of the right
They live by parasitic law
They are the vile undead
They eat the flesh of good men raw
They kill or go unfed
Oh yes they smile when meeting you
They bend but do not break
The only thing that we can do
Is drive a wooden stake
Into their shriveled putrid hearts
And with bare hands dismember
The rotten heads and separate parts
Beginning this November