Cass Sunstein is President Obama’s Regulatory Czar, and as such supports the Fairness Doctrine, which states that any opinion on the airwaves must be balanced by an opposite opinion. The Fairness Doctrine is a little disguised attempt to shut down free speech, something the Democrats have tried to do for years. Glenn Beck has recently called Cass Sunstein the most dangerous man in America, for, among other things, maintaining that freedom cannot exist without government, that people with rights, such as people on welfare, are entitled to a piece of the taxes we all pay as a right not to be denied, that property rights are dependent on the whole of the community, to be managed by the government, and, most insidiously, that there is no freedom without dependency.
This, in my view, has it backward: people do not exist for the government, government exists for the people, something we learned in school, at home and in the Boyscouts. Evidently Mr. Sunstein was never in the Boyscouts, else he would never have formed such opinions. Had he been in the Scouts, he would have sat around the campfire singing You Are My Sunshine. The following must be sung to make any sense at all.
You are my Sunstein, my only Sunstein
I make you happy when tax I pay
You’ll never know dear how much I love you
Please come take my Sunstein away
The other night dear as I lay sleeping
I dreamed that welfare rights were gone
When I awoke dear I was mistaken
Please come take my Sunstein away
Big Brother Chavez says airwaves closing
He says opposing him no way
Cass show affection for Chavez doing
Please come take my Sunstein away
Of course Obama plan something like that
He put Mark Lloyd in FCC
Mark Lloyd say Limbaugh off air be taken
Please come take Obama away
These liberal lawyers say we’re dependent
That slavery is our highest goal
And Mr. Sunstein say he will guide us
Please come take my Sunstein away