Have you ever noticed that tin pot dictators throughout the world invariably wear Rolex watches? Have you ever noticed that they style themselves as men of the people, yet they live in mansions, are surrounded by beautiful women, and drink the finest wine and wear designer clothes? Wonder no longer. It is all part of the winning persona. No oppressed and depressed peon wants to be ruled by someone just like himself. You wear a Rolex watch and you are idolized by the world’s left wing press. Wear a Timex, like George W. Bush, and the world’s left wing press snickers and sneers. I spoke to a tin pot dictator recently, a man who wore a Timex, and he explained what happened.
I wear my heart outside my sleeves
I speak of that which man believes
I look the part of common man
Coiffed hair, clipped nails, a winter tan
My women elegant and slim
Masseurs and workouts at the gym
My speeches ring eternal truths
My words bring voters to the booths
My smile bedazzles womankind
My motorcades pass streets full lined
And yet the Left won’t budge a notch
My sin, I wear a Timex watch