Five empires came to a sudden end during and at the end of WW1. Other empires die a bit more slowly. There is no standard way in which an empire dies. Some of them go along without a care until they suddenly fall off a cliff. Others die a lingering death. Falling off a cliff is what some are now projecting for the United States, an empire without the colonialism. All signs point to an imminent collapse, they say, and the United States will, in very short order, join the dodo, the Romans and the Assyrians in the dustbin of history. But even when an empire is no more, it is still felt, long after its death, in the words we use, the alphabet we use, the law we use, the very nature of the culture and history that surrounds us. So even if the doomsayers are right, and the United States empire goes over the cliff tomorrow, the United States will still be here, just as the Roman Empire is still here.
Do empires die a lingering death
Do they scratch and claw for every breath
Or do they suddenly collapse
The answer is, they do, perhaps
Phoenicia surely is no more
But what if they’d not gone before
How would our alphabet be seen
Would royal purple have been green
Was Gibbon wrong, Rome not decline
Collapse instead, would history’s line
Be any different than we know
Our culture, law, the answer’s ‘no’
Empires don’t completely die
Faint traces of them always lie
In language, customs, art and gods
In measure metric or in rods
Is Pericles alive today
Does Homer still have much to say
Is England still a living place
Her children still a living grace
America is England’s child
Born in a fury, young and wild
What will we leave when it is we
Who cut the vine and fell the tree
And leave this cold cruel world behind
For leave we shall, but you shall find
That no one ever fully dies
That every day the sun will rise
And what we’ve been and what we’ve done
Will last as long as there is sun