In Europe, poverty is defined as “social exclusion”, by which is meant people who have not yet experienced the joys of a socialist system that aims to provide everything needed for everyone, from cradle to grave. Right now, in Europe, that socialist system is about to implode, with the result that the entire continent will be socially excluded. I know how they feel. I’ve been socially excluded all my life.
I’ve been socially excluded all my life
And so have both my children and my wife
We think we know why we must play this part
We fart
When Lefties tell us socialism’s great
The model for each high progressive state
We nod and say we take these words to heart
And fart
The single currency is not at fault
As Germans load the money in the vault
And when they say it’s all because of Sartre
We fart
We watch the EU countries in collapse
They say they’re fine it’s just a slight relapse
Until they put the horse before the cart
We’ll fart
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