Tag Archives: george w. bush

Pootie Poot

President George W. Bush once claimed to have looked into the eyes of Vladimir Putin and found a friend he could trust, a friend of freedom and of the United States. President Bush even had a pet name for him: Pootie Poot. I have to believe the pet name has changed Mr. Putin’s good opinion of freedom and the United States, assuming he ever had those good opinions. But if he did, would you want the most powerful man in the world calling you Pootie Poot? Especially if you thought you were pretty powerful yourself? I thought not. Calling the man Pootie Poot was a mistake, and we are now paying for it. Fortunately for Putin, he has found an American president he can bully, and he is doing so, much to his apparent delight. Demanding that we stab our friends the Poles and Czechs in the back by canceling the missile shield is only the beginning. 



So Pootie Poot has won again

The Russian Tsar is smiling

The O is like a boy ‘mong men

Concessions he’s a-piling

The missile shield will never work

He claims with so much bluster

And since there’s darkness and much murk

I’ve used my strength to muster

Our allies and our foes alike

To sit around a table

And ask the Persians not to strike

At least not till they’re able

And we all know the reason why

The missile shield’s not needed

When Persian missiles start to fly

Towards Europe who’ve not heeded

All warnings of impending doom

From Persian nukes and missiles

We’ll send Iran after each boom

Some strong and sharp epistles

So I agree with Pootie Poot

That Europe is a goner

And after that we’ll split the loot

And have our peace with honor