Tag Archives: kathleen sebelius

More Nursery Rhymes

My six year old neighbor girls were playing hopscotch again today. You wouldn’t think six year olds would be on top of things, but they are. They even know who Kathleen Sebelius is, though I believe they felt a little sorry for her, having to tell Congress why the rollout didn’t work. Strangely enough, they also heard of Jay Carney, the president’s press secretary, and they knew all about the Democrat controlled Senate voting to change the rules and abolish the filibuster. Their little voices carried far as they sang:

Hickory dickory dock
Sebelius ran out the clock
October the one
The rollout not done
She’s gone soon and that is a lock

Carney Blarney pudding and pie
Senate vote won’t make him cry
When the press asked him today
Carney Blarney ran away