In less than two years President Obama has nationalized the automobile industry, the banking industry, distributed hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to his union constituencies, overridden the Constitutional provision of Congressional approval of Cabinet appointments by appointing more than three dozen non-confirmed czars to oversee the Executive department, plus trillion dollar stimulus bills and bailouts causing trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, and has nationalized the best health care system the world has ever seen. Last year the House passed President Obama’s national security force youth bill, heeding candidate Obama’s call for a youth group of millions of volunteers, to be equipped, in the president’s words, as well as the military. From Acorn to mighty oaks. The Obama Jugend has not yet taken to the streets because Obama has yet to decide on the color green or brown for the uniforms. In any other country, and at any other time, this would be called fascism, a charismatic autocrat with a rubberstamp parliament. But the mid-terms will be here in three months, and with them the loss of Obama’s overwhelming majority, and thus his power to destroy the country. Will Obama permit this to happen? Will we see, in the next month or two, a hastily called press conference with Robert Gibbs emotionally reading an address to the people of the United States from President For Life Barack Hussein Obama? Will we see Mr. Gibbs cry with unbound joy as the Washington press corps rises as one in thunderous adulation? Will we hear the following words from Mr. Gibbs?
My fellow Americans, I bring you tidings of greatest joy. Our beloved president, Barack Hussein Obama, has proclaimed the following words shall be read and memorized throughout the land:
With whose eyes shall we see the world
There are those who will see the world hollow
With whose mind do we see fellow man
There are those who will tempt us to follow
They will smile and attempt to arrange
Your thoughts and your life and your time
By promising comfortable change
And it won’t cost you one single dime
Oh they know how to work it so well
They know every button to push
But know that the road leads to hell
I speak of that road built by Bush
We’re now in a crisis, they’ll shout
Obama is moving too fast
Only we know what it’s all about
The One’s promises surely won’t last
Yes, that’s how they speak ill of us
But we’ll save you in spite of your fears
Just know that we’re driving the bus
And we’ll be at the wheel many years
We’re creating a new nation here
A nation we’re all proud to serve
A nation we all hold so dear
That we tingle the end of each nerve
Which is why we’ve decided on this
That elections are truly passé
Now the robe of your Caesar you’ll kiss
Though we’ll still have an election day
While you won’t vote you won’t really care
It’s the symbol that really does count
With these purple hemmed togas I wear
I’ll look swell sitting here on the mount