Veni, Vici

Veni, vici: I came, I conquered. There are two kinds of migrants, those who want to leave and those who don’t. The United States is flooded with migrants who want to leave their ancestral homes, and Europe is flooded with migrants who reluctantly leave their ancestral homes by forces beyond their control. Mankind has always been in migration. DNA has traced the migration pattern of the pre-historic Gauls from Anatolia eastward to the center of the great Asian grasslands where they met the Scythians who drove them back west, to arrive, many generations later, in Spain. In historical times the Huns pushed the Goths out of their ancestral homes, whereupon Valens, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, invited them to settle in Thrace, and shortly thereafter Adrianople happened. Fortunately for the Eastern Empire (and the later Byzantium) the Goths eventually became good Byzantines, but it was too late for Valens. History is rife with accounts of unwelcome immigrants overwhelming the reluctant host country, which seems likely to be the inevitable end of both a passive Europe and a not quite as passive but ultimately just as doomed American Republic.

It matters not whose God you serve
And not to be too preachy
You will be graded on a curve
It’s veni and then vici
Your progeny will curse the day
You smiled and let in strangers
They’ll curse the simple minded way
You shrugged away the dangers
Oh yes the land will still be there
The rivers, lakes and mountains
But strangers now in charge won’t care
If water’s in the fountains
Or if the roads are still well paved
Your children strong and healthy
Or if endangered smelts are saved
Or you’re no longer wealthy
Invite them in or not invite
The time is short until you
Stand up and raise your fists and fight
For if you don’t they’ll kill you

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