The sixties were the breeding ground for all the Lefty problems we are now facing. In 1960 the national Democratic party was more conservative than the Republican party of today. Harry Truman and John Kennedy were more conservative than Bus I and Bush II. But the sixties generation captured the Democratic party and turned it into the radical lefty party it is today. But they have had their run. Thanks to Obama, the public is awake at last to what they are, and what they intend. The Revolution to restore the American democracy has begun. The sixties are over. On election night the voters tossed them out, never to rise again.
Free love, drugs and pot
I liked it a lot
The sixties were lovely as sin
Of course in my case
They passed without trace
I was always outside looking in
We thought they looked neat
Mini-skirts on the street
Net stockings and makeup severe
As flower girls went
They all had the scent
Of unshowered pot smoke and beer
How little we knew
That their left point of view
Would one day put country in peril
We thought at the time
There’s no reason or rhyme
To think ill of that cute little girl
Yet pregnant they got
And gave birth to a lot
Of Alinskyite women and boys
Who looked to the left
And by sheer ballot theft
Started taking the country’s few joys
Away from the folks
And stealing their pokes
And turning us into Greece light
But now they are gone
And we have a new dawn
That began on that November night!