The election of 2012 is an indication of where the country is heading. Any rational observer would have said, and did say, that the failing economy, high unemployment, gas prices, inflation and foreign policy bungling doomed Obama to a crushing defeat. It didn’t happen, and the reason why it didn’t happen is simple – the country is now governed by low information voters, people who do not read, do not think, and whose world extends from their front door to the end of their driveway. These people and their equally low information children are the political future of the United States. What information they get comes from television anchors who recite the Democrat talking points and call it news.
So what happens when low information voters
Whose fecundity insures that they survive
Become the source of narrative decoders
And spread their words of wisdom nightly live
When everyone is then low information
Who do they look to for their point of view
‘Twould seem the age of total obfuscation
Will be upon us in a year or two