Putin On The Ritz

Vladimir Putin is strangling Barack Obama in Obama’s own ego. Putin has taken over leadership of the entire Middle East, and Obama has no quarrel with it, even though it reverses seventy years of American policy. Putin slices Ukraine, threatens the Baltic States, allies himself with Iran, a country that constantly threatens death and destruction to the United States, and smiles contemptuously at Barack’s weak, feckless objections. Vladimir Putin, in short, is flying high. He is, in the words of that old 1938 hit song, Puttin On The Ritz. If you’ve never heard it, it’s on YouTube.

Vladimir, the KGB
Wrestling bears bare chested he
Tiger kits
Putin on the Ritz

B Hussein, his smooth skinned bitch
Dreams of scratching Putin’s itch
Taking hits
Putin on the Ritz

Mother Russia or USSR
Stalin or anointed Holiness Tsar
Guest star, best star

Syria, Afghanistan
Muscles flexing he’s the man
Ukraine bits
Putin on the Ritz

Vladimir, the KGB
Wrestling bears bare chested he
It all fits
Putin on the Ritz

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