Real Men, Real Women

John Boot in Pajamas Media asks why women love a TV drama called Mad Men, set in the 60s before radical feminism and political correctness changed what the culture thought of “he-men”. The answer might be that women love the bad-boy lead character because they have always loved the bad-boy, always loved the guy with the hairy chest, always loved the guy who slapped them around. Political correctness may play in the lefty media and culture, but real women have always loved real men, and always will.



Pocketa pocketa pocketa

The mighty airship sang

Sailing free and fearsome in the sky

Below him Walter Mitty saw

The fleeing pirate gang

Led across the bay by Captain Bligh

The bomb bay doors flung open then

The airship lurched and breached

The bomb fell clean upon the men

As seagulls flapped and screeched

Where have they gone these mighty men

Have airships disappeared?

Do pirates now use GPS

Are Zulu foes still speared?

We haven’t gone, we’re here to stay

Though they may curse our likes

We still work hard, and women play

Behind us on our bikes




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