Riot Control

Well, we’re back, after an unintended two week vacation. We’ll try to catch you up with what is going on in the political world, where only the sane are in need of a psychiatrist.


The riots in Britain are over for now, with five dead and hundreds of millions of pounds lost to looters and arsonists. But because the only dead were innocent civilians trying to protect their homes and families, and none of the murderers, arsonists, looters and thugs was hurt, the lefty ruling class congratulates itself that the policing model is a rousing success.



The Bobby he ain’t got no gun

Homeowners be disarmed

Ain’t nobody to stop our fun

Ain’t none of us be harmed

We showin’ Whitey what we be

We showin’ him what for

This country now belongs to me

And we’ll be back for more

Now some say take and some say tike

We all see eye to eye

And now that things are jake or jike

We’ll see you bye and bye


See my novels and collected verse at Amazon HERE





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