Roman Polanski, the celebrated movie director, has been arrested in Zurich, Switzerland, on a long outstanding warrant. It seems that after pleading guilty in an American court to having sex with a thirteen year old girl, he fled the country, and has been living in Europe these past decades, safe among his fellow artists and elites. Those artists and elites are now outraged that a man of genius should be arrested, treated like a common criminal. The elite do not believe they should be treated like the rest of us, for they are by definition better than us, and therefore the laws that apply to their inferiors do not apply to them.
If I am equal to you
And you are equal to me
Then equal are we two
But what of number three?
Is he equal as well
Is he as good as we
Not so’s I can tell
He’s not as good as thee
Look how he holds his spoon
See how he combs his hair
He rises before noon
He lives beneath the stair
I’m all for natural law
Believe in right of kings
Red in tooth and claw
Believe in kissing rings
Equality’s a sham
A noxious vapor view
I know just who I am
Broadcast not pay for view
My genius radiates
From every pore on cue
My aura clearly states
That I’m better than you