Various liberal propaganda organs, like the Washington Post and the Huffington Post, have recently and rather decorously questioned some of the things their hero has done and not done that he has promised to do and not do. There is a small stir in the left-wing blogosphere, where usually tight-lipped ranters are delicately asking if the Messiah has not in fact quite lived up to their expectations. He has not, for instance, to this point surrendered the United States to its enemies as they fervently wish for, nor has his gutting of missile defense satisfied them. His promise to destroy the best health care system in the world looks to be in peril if the Repubs regain the House in November, and his giving of billions of taxpayer stimulus dollars to the unions to insulate them from the perils of the marketplace, while laudable from their point of view, has not as yet accomplished their goal of destroying the evil capitalist financial system that has made the United States the envy of the world, and indeed, the recently passed Financial bill, while a step in the right direction, does not accomplish it either. The acolytes are beginning to stir, however reluctantly. Are we seeing the beginning of a serious left-wing buyers remorse? Will November 2010 see the beginning of the end for the Left?
Where does hope go when it’s gone
What is left when there’s no change
When will facts then finally dawn
On his fans that Obie’s strange
Lack of failure up to now
To enact his promises
Means that when he breaks a vow
There’re more doubting Thomases
What’s the difference between Bush
Who the liberals truly hate
And Obama’s Hindu Kush
Where’s the policy debate
Yes he’s done some things they crave
Like his stripping of defense
And his mighty union cave
And his acts ‘gainst common sense
Like his running up the debt
To a height not seen before
But they really do not get
Why he’s in that Afghan war
Oh he’s still the coolest guy
And the smartest one in town
But they’ll tell you on the sly
That he’s really let them down
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