Hugo Chavez, a tin pot dictator, has died, and his death was greeted with sorrow by the usual leftist suspects, like Sean Penn and Oliver Stone, who called him a great man, a man of the people, and so on. This happens all the time. Just wait till you see the outpouring of grief from the left when Castro dies. I spoke to a liberal friend recently and asked why he was so enamored of tin pot leftist dictators. He smiled and said
Tin pots are made by tinkers
They mend them on the spot
Democracies have thinkers
Who think that they have got
The right to chain up free men
To jobs we all disdain
Discouraging the dreamin’
And crushing who complain
But tin pots like to tinker
The law is not for them
For law just puts a blinker
On those who must condemn
The cut throat market forces
And voting by the mob
That’s why the proper course is
Give tin pot guys the job