President Obama addressed the nation Monday, assuring us the debt crisis was not his fault and that things would only get better were it not for those damned Republicans. Grim faced in denial, Obama comforted us by laying the blame for the downgraded bond rating and the coming economic catastrophe on the Tea Party, entirely unaware of the headlong rush of the icy waters of calamity and the descending darkness at the unlikely hour of noon.
Down the mountain
Raged like thunder
Icy mountain streams
Sweeping cities
And the townsfolk
Of their hopes and dreams
While at high noon
In the White House
All was quite serene
No one noticed
That the darkness
Drifted in unseen
Smiling broadly
O assured us
Things were better soon
White teeth flashing
Wrapped in his cocoon
Down the mountain
Icy water
Singing that old tune
Come depression
Water rising
Darkness at high noon
See my mystery PHILLY STREETS at Amazon, paperback and 99 cent Kindle. Murders a-plenty, but Detective Sergeant Alexander’s principal concern is how is he going to keep from falling in love with his beautiful new partner.