The Obama administration is gearing up to launch a counter-attack on the Tea Party folk, and anyone else who does not see the wisdom and sacramental nature of the Obama program to socialize the country. As we speak, minions are fanning out across the country, screaming and screeching, convinced that if they but scream and screech loud enough and often enough the American public will come to their senses and embrace the Sacred Truth as espoused by the Anointed One, President Barack Hussein Obama. They hoodwinked the country in November of 2008, let us see if they can hoodwink us again.
The Yalie man in just pressed suit
Declares the question is now moot
The game is won we just don’t know the score
The President has made his bones
By naming truther nut Van Jones
To be the front man for the green scam store
Now Jones is gone and for his pains
The president can make no gains
With terroristic people who shout No!
To everything the Prez can try
To shake this country out to dry
And listen not to what their betters know
Those jobless figures now it seems
Are just one of the rightwing schemes
To make the stimulation seem inept
A trillion here a trillion there
We can’t see why the folks would care
That we pulled that one off while people slept
The VP says that jobs were saved
With bridges built and roadways paved
And anyway the numbers just don’t lie
And Mr. Gibbs just smiles and says
We have a most enchanting Prez
Who faced with No! will do it on the sly