Tag Archives: single payer

Obamacare Kaput

Once out of the closed door sessions in the House, once out of committee and into public view, Tea Parties and other demonstrations have indicated to the Obama administration that nationalized single payer Obamacare is dead. There are simply not enough Democrat votes in the Congress to pass it in its contemplated form. The Blue Dogs are running scared and the far left has vowed not to vote for anything if the Public Option is taken out. For this reason Obama has scaled back and is now pushing for insurance reform. It is not yet clear what this will entail, but if he signs a bill that removes pre-conditions and allows the market to set the fees, it will be a good first step toward realistic health care reform. And if he also miraculously defies the trial lawyers and gets tort reform, the country will be much the better for it. Tort reform looks like a non-starter for the Democrats, but even minimal insurance reform will be welcome, and Obama can trumpet it as a victory. But Obamacare is dead, possibly for all time, though that’s what Harry Truman thought when he buried the Henry Wallace Stalinist wing in 1948 only to see it rise from the ashes 20 years later in the person of George McGovern and take over the party.



I’m so relieved, the patient said

I thought they’d given me for dead

But now I see I’m kicking once again

I’m on my feet and feeling fine

I’m pleased to say that me and mine

Are once more in the land of laws not men

We raised ourselves in righteous wrath

We showed our congressmen the math

And said we would not take this lying down

At Tea Parties we let them know

That they no longer run the show

That we won’t sell free lives to DC town

And now Obamacare is done

And he no longer is the One

Who whistles and the pack does what he says

We knocked him down a peg or two

And let him know that you know who

Says take that stuff and stuff it in your fez



In The Shadows

Obama says his health care plan offers a public option, whereby anyone who wishes to keep his current health care plan may do so. This is a Trojan horse, and everyone knows it. Barney Frank has stated publicly that the public option is a necessary first step toward a single payer system, the single payer, of course, being the government. The whole thing is a shadow play. Barney Frank knows, and we know, that the public option insurance companies will soon be driven out of the health care coverage business by a government run insurance company. The liberals are hoping to fool us with sweet-talking reasonableness, but we know them. They lurk in the shadows. They will never cease their attempts to turn the United States into their vision of utopia, a socialist state with them in charge. Only we can stop them.



In the shadows, in the dark

They lurk in hidden mist

They know that we’re the redneck mark

They know they’ve got the fist

And when by chance they’re in the light

And somehow truth they speak

We see at once that we were right

Their purpose is to sneak

Their socialist agenda on

Us unsuspecting slobs

Who will not know that freedom’s gone

Along with all our jobs

But 2010 will soon be here

And with it a new day

We’ll sweep the bastards never fear

And see them on their way