Today is primary election day in much of the nation. Today we get the chance to start anew. We must remember that the past is here to stay, we cannot change it, we cannot revise it, we can only try to repair the damage. VOTE!
We cannot unfire the gun
Reverse the circles of the sun
The past is past and by the way
The past is here and here to stay
Elections matter don’t you see
What happens then is history
The past still says Obama won
The future may say one and done
But that is something we can’t know
For we have two whole years to go
And much can happen in that time
And world events can change the clime
A restless wave is growing now
The public will not long allow
The politics that brought us low
Incumbent pols have got to go
The Tea Party now holds the pass
A movement of the middle class
The past is here and here to stay
The future starts Election Day