Over The Rainbow

Democrats and leftist everywhere waited with bated breath to hear the magic words from former FBI Director James Comey that would destroy forever the infantile presidency of the Putin lapdog Donald J. Trump. Fantasies abounded, swirling in the DC air like ticker tape. Ah, to be a Democrat when Comey raises his right hand and swears to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Except, of course, now that he has told some truths they did not like they do not believe him.

Somewhere, over the rainbow
Truth lays bare
It is not so insane though
If only Comey dare
Somewhere, over the rainbow
Skies are blue
Folks from Texas to Maine though
Just want to know what’s true
Some day we’ll wish upon a star
And find this craziness is far behind us
Where leaks will melt like lemon drops
And lefty fantasy all stops
Please James, remind us
That somewhere over the rainbow
We will again regain, so
Once again we are we
Somewhere over the rainbow
Truth will lie
Words fly over the rainbow
Why then oh why can’t I


The United States is equally divided, but not politically. It is divided tribally, with one tribe engaged in declared warfare against the other tribe that does not yet realize they have been attacked and are in a fight to the death. Part of the problem is that the Left, the attacking tribe, is being aided by elements of the unresisting Republican tribe in the effort to destroy the duly elected president of the United States. Recall that the Conservative Never Trump Movement hired a British agent to compile a false dossier on the candidate Trump, which they then delivered to the enemy Intelligence Services, disguised as the mainstream media, when Republican Senator John McCain gave the fake dossier to James Comey, the Director of the Obama politicized FBI, from where it then became established gospel from a still respected source. Who is standing on the trapdoor? We are. Coup attempts do not typically end well or peacefully; either way there is bloodshed, and not just political blood. We are looking at the very real potential of blood in the streets due to the insane rage of the Left, and a violent overthrow of a popularly elected president by his political enemies will result in armed insurrection against the traitors, and many innocents will be caught in the crossfire. Twice now the Democrats have declared war on a Republican president, and it is unlikely the outcome this time will be different. Has the Rubicon been crossed? Yes it has.

Shallow water holds no fear
For those already crossed
The leaders will not shed a tear
For those who bear the cost
The taste of power in the throat
Drives those who choose up sides
And trapdoors, as the scribes will note
Grow busy on the Ides

Infanterie Greift An

The European Union was the child of fear. Fear of German militarism even in the face of a devastated and supine post war Germany. Fear does not often lead to wise choices, and more often than not leads to surrender. The French surrendered the sovereignty of Europe to fear of a possible future revanchist Germany. France was right, in a sense, for it is now time for a revanchist Germany to put down both the EU and the Muslim savages they have themselves invited into their midst. Now if only they had a Rommel.

Thank goodness for the Brexit days
Those good old EU exit days
And Germans can now do what they do best
Arminius and legionnaires
The prancing Uhlan cuirassiers
The Panzer IIIs that gave the French no rest
Thank goodness the good times are back
And hidden weapons can unstack
And uniforms unhung and cleaned and pressed
The banlieus and the migrant camps
Demolished and put out he lamps
And Muslims know why they should fear the West

The Illusion Of Empire


Yogi Berra once said that predicting stuff was hard, especially about the future. Remember when the wise men predicted that Brazil would be the next rising star? Remember the think tanks publishing studies that showed the Soviet Union would soon overtake the United States? Can China and Islam co-exist? Does anyone else have a say in all this? It was said of the Great Khan that his power was so great that a virgin carrying a purse full of gold could travel the length of the Silk Road without harm. Can the Chinese make the same claim? There is a rise and a fall in the affairs of men. The Ottomans have come and gone, the Great Khan is no more, the legions have left Britain. What will be will be.

The statues crumble into dust
The dreams of conquest sour
To all the end comes, as it must
The year, the date, the hour
Set down by gods for whom the cause
Of death has no real meaning
The birth of China gives no pause
Despite the Western keening
The nations rise, the nations fall
Despairing, in confusion
It happens thus to one and all
Empire is illusion

The Meaning Of ‘Until’

Neither the French nor the South Korean elections mean anything at all. Nothing will change until – well, until the person or persons who have the power to change things decide it’s time. The newly elected president of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, may not be a lunatic, but Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea is, or at least would like us to believe he is. The First Lady of North Korea is named Ri Sol-ju, so the peninsula has both a Moon and a Sun. Maybe the stars are aligned and we will all dance to the music of the spheres, but if not, things will continue as is until.

Nothing changes much until
It does, so obvious, but still
It’s things like this that blur the mind
To thinking that the world is kind
To those who sit and wait their turn
It’s then too late, they never learn

Candles, Flowers And Bears

Once more a Muslim kills innocent children and the authorities respond with soothing words and candlelight vigils. It is time to become anti-vigils, and if the political leadership insists on surrendering we must become vigilantes.

Scented candles, fresh cut flowers, smiling teddy bears
Mark the scenes of carnage but no politician cares
They look so grave, they say the words, the Muslims are our friends
Dead little girls, their bodies torn, are just the normal trends
Of life today and we must not let bigotry appear
For once we start to hate then surely end of times is near
And so the West is unalarmed at missiles on the pad
And mullahs, North Koreans who intend to destroy MAD
Proceed to build the weapons that will kill us all one day
While in the West the leaders in full confidence still say
That come the day the missiles fly and cities turn to ash
We shall not strike in fury, nor will use the wicked lash
We fall not to their level, we maintain our vacant stares
As we mourn among the candles and the flowers and the bears

The Meaning Of The Words

The Left has always relied on redefining the meaning of words to advance their agenda. Orwell showed how it worked. The Ministry of Propaganda became the Ministry of Truth. War became Peace and Peace became War. Political Correctness is simply the Left doing what it always does. The radical American Left realizes that to attain permanent power they must first destroy the First Amendment right to free speech, for free speech is the foundation of democracy. To that end, the Left has largely succeeded in brainwashing an entire generation of university students to regard free speech as hate speech, where  “white privilege” is a dirty word, and a campus “safe space” means no whites allowed, to name but a few. And now they are well on the way to changing the meaning of the words “incite violence”. When the paid campus rioters keep a conservative speaker from speaking, the reason given is that the conservative speaker will incite violence. Note that it is the Leftist rioters who are inciting the violence, but when the media repeat the reason given by the university administrators for denying free speech, it reinforces the Leftist claim that it is the conservative speaker who is inciting the violence. Words matter, and the Left knows it. And once enough words have changed their meanings the very nature of the country will be changed, democracy will be lost, and all without firing a shot or the majority of the people knowing it. (Cue the BeeGees.)

Words, those alphabetic words
Whose meanings seemed so dear to me
Are now, in flux upon the wind
And somehow now not clear to me
The words that once had guaranteed
The freedom and the leanings of
The left, the center and the right
The Left has changed the meanings of
And now, we face the darkened time
Progressivism has in store
For those who think speech should be free
And not to run us on the shore
To perish at the will of those
Who say that slavery makes you free
Just words, those alphabetic words
Whose meanings are so dear to me
Where rocks and smashing waves will stay
The hand of those who fight
And night descends
Upon the once great land
So bright in freedom’s light
Where night descends
Upon this once great land
So bright in freedom’s light

Rise Now, Men Of The West

Little girls. At a concert. Blown apart. Hair and skin and body parts. Rejoicing in the mosques. Little girls.

A rage so dark it blots the sun
A rage so dark it takes a gun
To quench the blood lust every one
Has for the Muslim scum
A bullet dipped in bacon fat
Back of the head and that is that
In flaming hell is where he’s at
And many more to come
We look to rage filled Christian men
To seek out Muslims in their den
And see the Earth is clean again
By killing all, not some
Little girls, a blood lust rage
Lock all Muslims in a cage
Write their names on every page
Then count the slaughtered sum

The Orient Express

North Korea accuses the CIA of trying to assassinate Kim Jung Un. Maybe so, maybe not. It is just a hop and a skip from the Imperial Palace to downtown Pyongyang, a journey the Dear Leader takes every morning in his sumptuous private railway car. The one car Orient Express, sitting on a siding, steam up, departs at 8 on the dot, and knowing this, the CIA is carefully laying plans to arrange for a nasty accident. I spoke with a CIA covert operative recently, and he said:

Dear Leader takes the train to town
Each morning prompt at eight
Our satellites are looking down
Determining his fate
We’ve paid the porter twenty bucks
To lace his morning tea
We had a whole row full of ducks
But it was not to be
A gandy dancer on the line
Was paid to loosen rails
The rails were loose and all looked fine
But sometimes it all fails
We’re sorry that our brave brainwashed
Dumb agents were detained
And so our accident was quashed
And Dear Leader entrained
Just plain bad luck is what we say
We’re limited in scope
We need to stay out of the way
But we don’t give up hope
We think he’ll hit a girder on
His trip to town, I guess
An accident, not murder on
The Orient Express

The Burning

Western style Communism is an ideology, a religion, and understandable as such. Asian communism is not an ideology, but a route to power and a means to maintain power, and therefore understandable in terms familiar to all for all of history. There is no point in using the term Communist China, because it does not describe their interests and policy, which are indistinguishable from the interests and policy of a Westphalian State. The Soviets were intent on bringing the entire world under the Church of Socialism, with Moscow the Vatican. China has no such ambitions, and therefore can be persuaded to act in ways the Soviets would never have contemplated. To China, Pyongyang is a client, not a parishioner, and as such the Trump administration has a good chance of persuading China to burn Pyongyang.

The difference in the burning is as clear as night and day
The Soviets would burn you but in an auto-da fe
The Chinese on the other hand will smile and say goodbye
As into the big wok you go, an unwilling stir fry
To China the Kim family has been like Kardashian girls
There comes a time to dump them when the controversy swirls
For big guys soon lose patience with the antics and the swoons
When Kim girls get inflated and they speak of ancient runes
That say that they’re queens of heaven and the rulers of the blind
And they have nukes to prove it and will show to the unkind
That quaking, screams and shaking are sweet music to their ears
At which point the Twitter chatters as the big guy’s ire rears
And the Chinese see the bitter dregs at bottom of the cup
And the dancing stops in Pyongyang as they see the jig is up
As the Chinese pile the faggots into mountains to their knees
And the Ronsons and the Bics now made in China light with ease