The Swirling Winds Of Time

Today is my birthday. I have seen 87 of them so far, and expect to see many more, I have seen much in my lifetime; the Great Depression, the Hindenburg, World War 2, the atomic bomb, a president assassinated, the landing on the moon, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Hubble and the wonder of the stars at the edge of the universe. And many will see far greater wonders, for the swirling winds of time blow in directions unforeseen, and they pass us by and leave us with only memories of a mist-filled snapshot of infinity.

I saw the hungry armies of the men who had no work
I saw the silver ship fly to her doom
I watched the world at war and witnessed brave men go berserk
And saw that death was both the bride and groom
I watched Bikini atoll turn from coral into dust
At Dealy Plaza worlds came to an end
And swirling winds of time blew as the Soviet went bust
And life is born in stars as some contend
The swirling winds have always blown around man’s aimless trials
And will continue blowing ‘til the stars
Wink out in just a few short eons as the goddess whiles
Away the time in counting kings and tsars
Who think that they control the winds that swirl around their heads
Believing they are mighty as the sword
Not knowing that in blink of eye they’re taken to their beds
The swirling winds of time are oft ignored
Until, like we, the winds becalm and we stand face to face
With zephyrs and Spring breezes at our back
Propelling us toward what it seems is finish of the race
The winds we have but time is what we lack

Trick Or Treat

I went to buy a Halloween costume for my dog and ran into a liberal who was looking for a costume for her cat. She was furious that the costumes were segregated by gender, costumes for male dogs and cats and costumes for female dogs and cats. So furious she screamed at me when I picked up a Batman costume for my champion stud Great Dane. Hitting me in the head with her pocketbook, she screamed, “Batman is racist, misogynist, hangs out with a cute teenage boy! Why does your great brute get to dress as male superheroes while my little Geraldine has the choice of a waitress or princess?” She stormed out of the store, ranting and raving. But she had a point. Had my great brute of a dog been female, would she have been offended had I dressed her as Little Bo Peep? It is questions such as these that inflame the American public today.

Should doggie costumes fit the mould
Identity and gender?
But gender’s done, so I am told
And sexist if defender
Of birds and bees and we’re afraid
To ever even blink at
A black dog dressed as a French maid
And racist just to think that
I asked my dog what he would do
If dressed as Cinderella
He said I’d piss on your right shoe
I ain’t no sissy fella
A clown suit now that would be nice
A pirate, fire fighter
And meet a French maid, sugar spice
For maybe an all nighter

Moral Violence

The morality of the Left is visible in the violence committed by the Left against everything Trump. Cars belonging to Trump supporters are vandalized; Trump supporters are attacked and assaulted by paid thugs at Trump rallies; Trump lawn signs are stolen and destroyed and the homeowner assaulted if he protests. The Leftist terrorist group Black Lives Matter leave the White House after a warm embrace from Obama to continue their campaign to kill white cops. Leftist commentators in the Leftist media exhort their listeners to employ violence against all things Trump. American politics was never beanbag, but not since pre-Civil War days has physical assault on political opponents by Democrats been so violent. But then, it is to be expected. The Left is in power, and the Left does not give up power without violence.

The Left will always do what’s right
Believing that the Truth makes Might
And kindly entertaining fools
While always playing by the rules
But there are times when patience stirs
At nasty words and night-dark slurs
Hurled by the horrid venal Right
That makes them feel that they must fight
Despite their moral views on force
And so they take to sword and horse
And lay they waste on Right-wing fields
To show that disrespect still yields
A reprimand, a slight, a curse
And if repeated much, much worse
The Left believes their moral strain
Makes them more moral in the main
Than those who live in moral sin
And who will feel he lash begin
To bite the blackened hearts of they
Who bend the knee and dare to pray

The Pitchfork Blues

If the media were honest the people would be marching on Washington with pitchforks. The Washington elite, mannered and manored, Democrat and Republican, is corrupt to the core, and has no interest in the welfare of the country beyond its benefit to themselves. This is why Trump scares the hell out of the mannered Republican Washington establishment, who would much prefer a Clinton in the White House because she would keep the good times rolling for them, as opposed to the possible, but not at all certain, negative effect that a president Trump might have on the putrid corruption that is Washington. It is enough that Trump is an unknown quantity, and therefore a possible danger to their continued power and continued feeding at the public trough. The Obama administration has politicized and criminalized the Justice Department and the FBI, and neither will ever be trusted again. The Obama administration attempted to destroy the Little Sisters of the Poor because they would not surrender their religious faith to the Imperial class that demanded obedience. The Congressional Republicans have not lifted a finger in the past almost eight years to stop Obama from running the country off a cliff, and they have not lifted a finger to oppose him because they are all on the same team. Will Trump be able to divert the Potomac River to cleanse this Augean stable? We shall see, but ultimately it all comes down to pitchforks in the hands of irate, vengeful and patriotic citizens.

The G-men, they of ancient fame
Have seen Jim Comey trash their name
The fix was in from very start
The FBI would do its part
To see not that which others saw
And thus contempt show for the law
A Hillary is not concerned
That evidence is quickly burned
Though fire now has been replaced
By Bleach-bit and the files erased
The Democrats will put in jail
Republicans if they should fail
To understand that might makes right
The Constitution set alight
The mannered know which fork to use
And soon will sing the pitchfork blues

Heaven Can Wait

To hear the liberal progressives tell it, a socialist society is as close to heaven as any of us is likely to get. Never mind the dismal failure of every socialist society ever created, the next one will be different. It’s just a matter of trying hard enough and wishing hard enough.

Does Venezuela come to mind?
The Soviets and Cuba?
Vacation there and you will find
It’s better in Aruba
They blame their problems on the West
The banks, the lousy weather
The while maintaining that the best
Will come when we’re together
In lives of socialistic ways
Where all are sick and poorish
And people long for better days
And leaders are quite boorish
Where revolution’s never done
Because the cost is reckoned
And what is needed is a gun
And an Amendment Second

The Whiching Hour

Which shall it be? Democracy or tyranny? The approaching election will decide which type of government we will leave to our children and grandchildren; a Constitutional Republic or a Leftist authoritarian kleptocracy. The Obama administration has already politicized and criminalized the Justice Department and the FBI, has already politicized and criminalized the IRS, and a Clinton administration will further the leftward pull of tyranny and continue and enhance the criminality of the Clinton Foundation.. Which shall it be, a government of laws or a government of whims? An independent Justice Department and an independent and incorruptible FBI or the KGB? Government agencies run on democratic principles or government agencies that punish critics of the State? A Supreme Court that believes in the Constitution and the law, or a Supreme Court that says the Constitution is a racist document written by dead white slave owners, in fierce denial of the fact that the Democratic Party, from birth to the current day, has been and is the Party of slave owners. Which kind of government shall it be? Government of the people, by the people and for the people, or government of, by and for the political and victim classes?

The FBI, not what it’s been
She broke the law, the fix was in
Top secret docs, for sale or rent
The secrets sold, but no intent
The Clintons get what they are owed
A charity and money flowed
Obama sicced the IRS
On enemies, but I digress
The witch rides high upon her broom
The houred time that marks our doom
Perhaps this time the broom won’t fly
But if it does, well then, goodbye

Mr. Lucky

When the Roman Senate selected a Consul, the deciding factor in their decision was the answer to the question, Is he lucky? If they answer was yes, he was confirmed. But can a whole country be lucky? I’m not so sure. Can an entire country of three hundred million be willing to take a risk? I don’t think this is in the consciousness of the electorate. If Trump is elected those voting for him will not consciously be taking a risk, because if they thought it was risky to have a President Trump very few would vote for him. No, I don’t think it is luck or willingness to take a risk that has made America what it has been, it is the men and women who lived under a nation of laws, constitutionally guaranteed and protected rights and agreed upon obligations, that made this country what it was and is in the process of losing because of the insidious shredding of the law and constitution carried out by the Left over the past seventy years. A President Donald Trump cannot reverse this cultural destruction by himself, regardless of time in office, even with a compliant Republican congress. But we must start there. I am not one who believes that a Hillary Clinton presidency will mean the end of the United States. Far from it. But it will delay the inevitable revolution.

The country is more than its lakes and streams
A country is people with hopes and dreams
A people who know that come the test
It will be passed, like all the rest
The country’s had is sad travails
Brief journeys down some darkened trails
But in the end it comes out right
We are the brightest star at night
The beacon on the rocky shore
We are all that, and much, much more

The Museum Of Leftist History

The museum of leftist history is not a shining alabaster building sitting proudly on a gently sloping swath of brilliant greenery, surrounded by majestic shade trees and brilliantly colored flowers in immaculate beds. No, the leftist museum of history lays like a massive block of rough cut sandstone in the rigid locked minds of the Left. I spoke to a Lefty friend recently, and he said the curators had installed a new wing, beautifully adorned with wall hangings bearing the ancient sayings of the racist, misogynist, birther Donald Trump. When I looked skeptical he said:

He is a man who cannot see
That women are a good as he
That color’s not a mark of shame
And liberals are not to blame
For many horrors over time
All due to massive right wing crime
He called a cute young woman fat
A ruined life that he begat
He wondered if our Saint Barack
Were not a common Mex wetback
He cries the Clintons both are crooks
And yet he won’t produce his books
He made his billions from the sweat
Of others who walked in to bet
On crooked games in dens of sin
Yes that’s the business he is in
Our president he cannot be
Excuse me now I have to pee
I get to choose, biology
Is just so much mythology
It matters not what is disclosed
Excuse me please, museum’s closed


I just want to say a few words about October, the eighth month of the year, at least by Roman reckoning, and the tenth and most beautiful and wonderful by the reckoning of a later age. October foliage setting the woods ablaze, crisp air resounding to the sound of football played with rough abandon, apple cider and hay rides with a pretty girl, Hallowe’en and mischief night for the kids and those of us still kids at heart. October, summer’s end but not yet winter. Enjoy the golden wonder that is October, for each is granted only so many, and when they are done they are done.

October football, pretty girls
Falling leaves and shining curls
The smell of wood smoke in the air
And sad that trees will soon be bare
But until then with golden blaze
The leaves turn red in mist borne haze
Tart apples ripened on the bough
And life is good for me and thou
Though not for those where vase is vahz
And not for those who live in Oz
Where they awake to springtime’s call
With naught to do, no bat, no ball

It’s Probably Nothing

Putin orders all Russian children who are abroad to be brought home, cancels a diplomatic trip to Paris, stations nuclear armed missiles in Kaliningrad on the Baltic coast, within range of all of Western Europe, and orders a countrywide nuclear war evacuation test. Meanwhile, US Air Force drops dummy nuke bombs in Nevada desert test run as Russian television warns United States not to engage in provocative action. But it’s probably nothing.

But surely Putin cannot mean
To start a war, or make a scene
He merely needs attention so
He blusters, not to mention Joe
Q. Russian public do not want
A paranoid and crazy little runt
To start a war that might well end
The life of every family, friend
And so it’s best to ignore all
At least until the big ones fall
So lazily from obscene heights
And turn the days to winter nights