
The nation has elected a vampyre to the highest office in the land, a man who lives by magic and drinks the blood of our forefathers, intent only on draining the lifeblood from the country and throwing away the husk.

Mozart had his magic flute
And Jason had his fleece
Obama has his magic suit
Cleaned, pressed, with sharpened crease
The suit conceals the truth inside
Conceals the shadowed form
Conceals what O prefers to hide
That he is cold, not warm
There is no pulse, no beating heart
The magic does it all
He sleeps all day, light, sun depart
And wakens at the call
Of those like he he’ll rise and meet
And smell the nightshade bud
He’ll prowl the darkened narrow street
And drink the nation’s blood

The Ghost Of Awesome Heights


Obama sits alone in the darkened Oval Office, contemplating his failures, wondering what will happen if he loses the Senate, loses the Middle East, loses the legacy he climbed so many mountains to attain.

Obama’s watermelons are
Reduced to size of grapes
Whatever Hussein touches turns to dust
Alone in Oval Office in
The dark with tight closed drapes
He wishes he still had that Churchill bust
To give him strength and character
And bloody sweat and tears
He knows himself to be a petty fraud
That he has been elected to
A post beyond his years
And now his troubles turn to the abroad
He sits there in the dark a don’t
Disturb sign on the door
The teleprompter silent by his side
And wonders if he’s Hamlet
Or by chance he be the Moor
And wonders why there’s not a place to hide
The world is coming down on him
And all his friends are gone
And all his wounds a running, bleeding sore
With sleepless nights he walks the halls
Until the break of dawn
And birds awake with cries of Nevermore
His legacy is gone in flames
As down comes everything
His brilliance and his policies have failed
Iran has won and now he knows
He never will be King
Despite the awesome heights that he has scaled


The Words That Showed The Way

Philadelphia, Chestnut Street
A hot mid-summer day
A crier read in July heat
The words that showed the way
That men should hold till end of time
Their honor and their lives
In debt to freedom so sublime
That freedom’s gift survives
Travails and horror yet to fall
Upon this land so blest
And free men answer to the call
And honor never rest

The Hearse


Barack Hussein Obama’s actions over these past five years can be attributed to either of only two causes-incompetence or treason. We don’t know the answer to that question, not yet, but either way we lose, and so do the Muslims, who, if Barack Obama hands them the keys to the big black hearse, will not get to use them, but find themselves instead enveloped in a conflict they have no way of understanding, a conflict that will leave no Muslim city from Karachi to Mecca unobliterated.

Obama rode the wave of guilt
To be the very first
Half-black man thus elected to the post
Of president of these United States
And he’s the worst
Of anyone this country now can boast
He got the votes of women who
Did think him awfully cute
And votes from greens who knew he’s on their side
And lots of votes by fraud and theft
No longer in dispute
But credit him with no attempt to hide
His goal to change the country to
Reflect his fascist dream
Of rule by diktat not by rule of law
And here we are now five years in
And it would surely seem
That many voters wonder what they saw
But that was then and this is now
And so we pay the price
Of voting an incompetent to rule
The voters of this country closed
Their eyes and rolled the dice
And now we know those voters played the fool
But do we know if it is just
Incompetence or worse
That form the thoughts that clog Obama’s mind
Or has he from beginning planned
To drive that big black hearse
That takes us to his killer Muslim kind


Little Johnny Kerry

John Kerry is now begging the Kurds to solve the Iraqi problem Barack Obama set in motion when he threw away the victory won by our troops before he was elected. John Kerry is the perfect fit for an Obama Secretary of State. He is intellectually challenged, but certain of his place in society, having twice married very rich women, outdoing his father, who only married one rich woman, thus setting son John a reachable goal. His father also set the standard for dissimulation so necessary in a Secretary of State by changing the Eastern European family name to Kerry when he arrived in Boston, to kerry favor with the local Irish. John learned well from his father, and the results are apparent to this day.

I‘ll say this much for Sec of State
Our little Johnny Kerry
He married well and married filthy rich
He made believe he was from Cork
Or maybe Londonderry
Rich women gave the poor man such an itch
When John Heintz died he left his widow
57 billion
Or was that just the sum of ketchup brands
He loved to windsurf but when riding
Horses he rode pillion
Rich women were just putty in his hands
So now he makes the rounds of countries
Cap in hand and begging
Like Oliver who wanted some more gruel
A comedown for the man who prized
His slim and handsome legging
I tell you folks this world can be so cruel

Hobby Lobby

The Supreme Court today ruled that the arts and crafts company named Hobby Lobby did not have to provide contraceptives to its employees as mandated by Obamacare. I believe Hobby Lobby was wrongly decided. I believe Sandra Fluke and all other women who swoon over and voted for Barack Obama should be FORCED to take free contraceptives. I realize this would be a slow process, but eventually it would result in a higher IQ gene pool. We can identify these women by their posture. Any woman of child bearing age who leans left will receive, at no cost, an unlimited supply of candy kisses and birth control pills. As a fisherman I know the difference between a flounder and a fluke, and Sandra is a flounder. And yet, this decision could easily provoke unpregnant women who desire to remain in that condition to take to the streets and hang us unsuspecting oppressor males. 

The war on women, Lefties rage
Has entered a new phase
The Right has stirred a hornet’s nest of wrath
As angry women will engage
With those who cry who pays
What’s fair is that we take from those who hath
Yes history turns on little things
The snowball rolls downhill
As angry women storm the palace gates
And hang the noisome dukes and kings
And throttle men at will
Then wonder where to go to find their mates

The Edge Of The Earth

Months have passed with no word of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370, the Boeing 777 that took off from Kuala Lumpur on 27 March 2014 with hundreds of passengers aboard and disappeared, presumably into the vastness of the Indian Ocean. Intensive searches have failed to reveal the slightest trace of the plane and its passengers, yet it was recently announced that Australia will continue searching. Modern man believes he knows all the answers, that quantum physics is locked in with consciousness, that the universe is decipherable. But the face of God cannot be painted in a brush stroke. Perhaps some things are unknowable, and perhaps some things known by our fathers were not so wrong. And so it might be with the mystery of MH370.

The scientists preen for they’ve answered it all
The engineers shout out their worth
But maybe the ancients were right, you’ll recall
And they fell off the edge of the Earth

Isis Or Osiris?

Muslim terrorists who go by the acronym ISIS have captured much of northern Iraq and beheaded every Shiite they come across. But why have they pledged allegiance to a distant Egyptian goddess? One would think if they were going to go that route they would have picked someone a bit more dangerous and deceptive. Osiris for example. But maybe they didn’t select Osiris because the god Osiris is resident in the White House.

Crisis in the Middle East
From the ISIS at the least
Would a goddess do such things?
Topple presidents and kings?
Would sheer terror be her game
Would she set it all aflame?
It’s Osiris if we’re wise
He is wont to wear disguise
When he ambles up the steps
Of the White House where adepts
Of his Underworld reside
Making no attempt to hide
Creatures of the River Styx
They have brewed a deadly mix
Acolytes like Susan Rice
Who the demons think quite nice
Jarrett queen behind the throne
Power from dark hell on loan
Yet Obama pulls the strings
And fair Isis spreads her wings
And the crisis fades away
And the kids come out to play
But of course it’s all for show
In the wide world they all know
That it’s all come tumbling down
As the leaves are turning brown
And the oceans swell with rage
And the gods all turn the page
For the current race is done
We don’t know yet who has won

Saddam Out, al Qaeda In

George Bush made mistakes, but taking out Saddam Hussein and attempting to build a solid military base of operations in the very center of gravity of the Middle East was not one of them. Barack Obama threw it all away and put our soldiers in Afghanistan, a landlocked country where they might not be able to get out. And now, as a result of Obama’s incompetence or treason, take your pick, Iraq is now aflame in another religious war, Sunni against Shiite, which will draw in Shiite Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia, and perhaps Israel and ultimately us. Obama likes to say he is leading from behind, but he left out a word. The word is ‘his’. He is leading from ‘his’ behind.

George Bush takes Saddam out
The O al Qaeda in
Benghazi is no doubt
The triumph of the spin
Mosul in Qaeda’s hands
Tikrit has followed suit
Captured by roving bands
Delighted with the loot
Sure Baghdad will be next
The Saudis cringe in fear
The White House is perplexed
For leading from the rear
Was policy that’s smart
Not like that stupid Bush
Who never heard of Sartre
And thought the Hindu Kush
Was just an old time dance
Invented way back when
From Italy or France
Around since nineteen ten
In luck we are indeed
To have as president
A man we truly need
The White House resident

Comedy Teams

There can be no sects as looney
As the Shi’ia and the Sunni
Their hatred for their bro under the skin
Is intensified by fighting
Over whose inerrant writing
States correctly dancing Imams on a pin
These two brands of Islam folly
Never smile are never jolly
Except when chopping heads from infidels
Refugees from the Dark Ages
Sunnis think the Dervish sages
While the Shi’ia look to Imams hid in wells