Gopher Town

Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have spread death and chaos across the Gulf, from Texas to Florida, making believers of those who doubt the power of the ancient Egyptian god Set to cause death, destruction and chaos wheresoever he chooses to go.

The wine dark sea the leaden sky
The petrels flee the storm is nigh
We hunker down into our holes
Poor gopher town so many souls
The wind begins the sound still low
Confess our sins for death we know
And now the sea relentless rise
Comes flowing free ‘neath blackened skies
The buildings shake like shimmered light
We fear they’ll break and fill the night
With unheard screams the chaos let
While as in dreams the dread god Set
Walks flooded streets yet still dry shod
And those he meets know who is god

Disaster Relief

Benjamin Wallace-Wells, a liberal progressive Democrat writer for the liberal leftist New Yorker magazine, was puzzled by the media attention and glorification of the volunteerism of the Cajun Navy during Hurricane Harvey when there were more important things to talk about, like climate change. Wallace-Wells went on to observe, with some severity, the replacement of government with volunteers, believing that government bureaucrats should run every aspect of our lives, including hurricane and flood relief. I found my local bureaucrat disaster relief manager in his bunker, staring fixedly at his computer screen, tracking the latest path of this week’s super hurricane. When I asked if he was going to call on the Cajun Navy he reminded me we were in Kansas, but said Morgan’s Creek might bear watching.

He glanced up from his screen and said
We bureaucrats are far ahead
Of amateurs and other body types
You see those shelves on yonder wall
There’s regulations for us all
And cardboard boxes full of handy wipes
This bunker here is built to last
And if the creek is rising fast
We’re safe and sound in here all shut up tight
I’ve got my big computer screen
With isobars in red and green
And when disaster strikes I spend the night
And when emergency is nigh
And Morgan’s Creek is getting high
I know who is at fault and who to blame
Home Depot has my telephone
And if I need a further loan
The government will back me so they claim
So we don’t need no amateurs
To help us with these little chores
Like hurricanes and blizzards and the like
The teletype sends warnings out
There are things there to think about
And then I sigh and put them on the spike

Beyond My Kitchen Window

Beyond my kitchen window
Lives a wondrous world outside
With creatures who know not that I exist
The squirrel who sits upon my deck
And wonders where to hide
The acorns so that they will not be missed
The blue jay squabbles with the cat
Who looks at him askance
And longs to sink her teeth and shut him up
The butterfly who flutters like
He’s just learned how to dance
The question mark that is my neighbor’s pup
The ladybug who pays no mind
To what is going on
Intent is she on filling up her day
With endless flights both back and forth
Until the light is gone
When finally she ups and flies away
I sit still by my window
Not a move and not a sound
Invisible I am to those outside
I see the squirrel’s jaws move with
Something that he must have found
And ladybug on pup has hitched a ride
I wonder why it is I find
Their actions seem like play
While I sit silent in my kitchen chair
Wishing I could understand
What cat just said to jay
And wondering what I’d be were I out there

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

In a tunnel, deep in the mountains of North Korea, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake was created. For over thirty years American administrations have been looking for the light at the end of the North Korean tunnel, and it turns out the light at the end of the tunnel is from a hydrogen bomb. Perhaps it is time for the United States to declare that if North Korea strikes any part of the US or its allies we will not go quietly into that long, deep sleep but will utterly destroy North Korea and China, and the cities of Mosco, Tehran, Damascus, Riyadh, Mecca and Medina.

The hidden flash
The hidden light
The hidden crash
The open fright
The end of days?
The tunnel’s end?
Beginning phase?
The garments rend?
It’s up to them
So tell them why
And you will die

Shoes And Rice

Feminists demand that white men be removed from society, by non-violent means if possible, by violent means if necessary. Demands are made that white male privilege be removed from all aspects of society, that marriage is rapine slavery and the world would be a far better place without white men. Eventually white men will tire of this and end it with a shrug. What the feminists and social justice warriors do not understand is that men allow women to participate in the society men have built, and can just as easily disallow that participation. And if women are denied access to the professions, then there will be no more women lawyers to argue that men must be eradicated. I spoke to a social justice feminist recently, and she was unconcerned that men would deny women access to the vote or to the professions.

They would not dare, she laughed and said
Then smiled and shook her pretty head
And said again, they would not dare
To touch a single strand of hair
To do so would be war
We women have known much success
We know the power we possess
We rule the world in spite of men
And let me say it once again
It’s white men we abhor
Italian men are quite all right
And Frenchmen keep us up all night
And Spanish men with flashing eyes
That cause a thousand female sighs
We simply just adore
But here at home we must insist
White privilege will not be missed
And white men must all be replaced
Society be woman based
To even up the score
She walked away, believing still
That women pay the rapist’s bill
For marriage, children, shoes and rice
But sexbots now are just as nice
And gift wrapped by the store

The Bloody Claw

The country is obsessing over phantom Russians while in Europe western civilization is committing suicide. The biggest story in the history of the world is happening right now in Europe, where the people who built the modern world, the people who invented science and medicine and law, have decided to turn the continent over to a muslim people who have no connection whatever with Europe, science, or law. In thirty years Europe will be muslim. This is not population trends, this is counting actual bodies on the ground, and the stark difference between the European muslim birthrate of 3.8 live births per woman of child-bearing age and the post-Christian European below replacement birthrate of 1.6 live births per woman. Muslims refuse to assimilate, and European men will have to decide if they will follow their leftist leaders into oblivion or fight for their history and the land of their ancestors. If they decide to fight, there will be another Thirty Years war in Europe to remove all muslims, but if western women are committed to not having babies, then all efforts to survive will have been in vain. Demographers tell us that the continent of Africa, which now has approximately one billion people, will, by mid-century, have four billion people. A continent that cannot provide for one billion people now will have four times as many people in thirty years. Malthus will eventually take care of the problem of a four billion people Africa once there is no more European medicine and science and NGOs to keep them alive, but until then it will be a problem. How do you turn away a starving baby when he arrives at your front door? In thirty years the United States will be minority white population. What happens when only one third to one quarter of the population of the United States is white? Are we still a First World country? Are muslim western European countries still First World countries? There is not much room for optimism. The light of western civilization that gave science and law to the world is dimming, and will soon go out,

The dimming light grows dimmer still
And soon will freedom end
For Europe seems to lack the will
Their countries to defend
Against invasion by the hordes
Of muslim migrants who
Believe that babies, not sharp swords
Deliver what they view
As theirs by grant of Allah’s might
As holy writ has taught
And so it is the dimming night
Without a battle fought
Meanwhile the Spanish speakers come
Across our borders free
They too believe the numbered sum
Of each new family tree
Will end in time with Spanish tongue
The language of the land
The English from which science sprung
No more than drifting sand
And so it ends, two thousand years
Of science, art and law
The world again with hungry tears
And ruled by bloody claw

The Bloody Claw

The country is obsessing over phantom Russians while in Europe western civilization is committing suicide. The biggest story in the history of the world is happening right now in Europe, where the people who built the modern world, the people who invented science and medicine and law, have decided to turn the continent over to a muslim people who have no connection whatever with Europe, science, or law. In thirty years Europe will be muslim. This is not population trends, this is counting actual bodies on the ground, and the stark difference between the European muslim birthrate of 3.8 live births per woman of child-bearing age and the post-Christian European below replacement birthrate of 1.6 live births per woman. Muslims refuse to assimilate, and European men will have to decide if they will follow their leftist leaders into oblivion or fight for their history and the land of their ancestors. If they decide to fight, there will be another Thirty Years war in Europe to remove all muslims, but if western women are committed to not having babies, then all efforts to survive will have been in vain. Demographers tell us that the continent of Africa, which now has approximately one billion people, will, by mid-century, have four billion people. A continent that cannot provide for one billion people now will have four times as many people in thirty years. Malthus will eventually take care of the problem of a four billion people Africa once there is no more European medicine and science and NGOs to keep them alive, but until then it will be a problem. How do you turn away a starving baby when he arrives at your front door? In thirty years the United States will be minority white population. What happens when only one third to one quarter of the population of the United States is white? Are we still a First World country? Are muslim western European countries still First World countries? There is not much room for optimism. The light of western civilization that gave science and law to the world is dimming, and will soon go out.

The dimming light grows dimmer still
And soon will freedom end
For Europe seems to lack the will
Their countries to defend
Against invasion by the hordes
Of muslim migrants who
Believe that babies, not sharp swords
Deliver what they view
As theirs by grant of Allah’s might
As holy writ has taught
And so it is the dimming night
Without a battle fought
Meanwhile the Spanish speakers come
Across our borders free
They too believe the numbered sum
Of each new family tree
Will end in time with Spanish tongue
The language of the land
The English from which science sprung
No more than drifting sand
And so it ends, two thousand years
Of science, art and law

For Kristen On Her Birthday

The scientists have spoken
All life has consciousness
Not only us and puppies
But plants as well I guess
So now we know the reason
The flowers love you so
You talk to them and love them
And loving makes them grow
The flowers know you’re with them
And talk to you in turn
The ivy says they love you
And so does every fern
Bromeliads and orchids
And handsome Scottish broom
And roses and gardenias
You keep them all in bloom
Yes plants and trees are conscious
Of who they are and why
So listen as they sweetly
Sing you love’s lullaby


Return Of The Dark

According to the leaders of such countries as Germany, Britain, Canada and most of western Europe, all of whom worship at the shrine of the goddess Diversity, unlimited immigration by people totally different in culture, religion and worldview than your own people, is a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate the nobility of the western ethic, at least as practiced by the western governing class, where, as the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, said on the occasion of the celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday, “Those who choose to be Canadian are more Canadian than those born here.” This view is held by the European elitist leaders as well, and are perfectly happy to see their countries submerged in a sea of Muslim immigrants. Angela Merkel and company will have done in a generation or two what the Ottomans failed to do in two centuries of trying, conquer Europe for Allah. And when it happens white Europeans will no longer be masters in their own house, reduced to subservience and second class citizenship, and we shall see the death of art and science and law and the return of the Dark Ages.

They welcome migrants from afar
The door’s wide open, not ajar
They swarm in from the Middle East
From Pakistan they join the feast
Fair Sweden is already gone
Where calls to prayer now welcome dawn
And Germany is doomed as well
To live in Allah’s perfect hell
As western Europe dies at last
So eastern Europe still holds fast
To art and science, law and pride
They watch in horror as the slide
To darkness overwhelms the West
But not in Prague or Budapest
Where western art and law still shines
The Ottoman will find the lines
Are drawn with men prepared to die
To fight to light the darkened sky
The Muslim wins this time around
But will not keep the sacred ground
Of western art and law and thought
Where free men live as free men ought

Barcelona And The Narrative

Hamilcar Barca, of the Barca family of Carthage, founded the city of Barcelona, which became a Roman army camp after Hamilcar’s son, Hannibal Barca, annoyed the Romans enough to cause them to permanently erase the city of Carthage. So Barcelona is not unaware of political, military and religious problems. Muslim terrorism has a long history in the Mediterranean. But if history is a guide it will be a one day story, and tomorrow the narrative of the evils of the past will return.

The weapon now a simple van
Las Ramblas where the tourists walk
And where another muslim man
Has change the daily pundit talk
From noble savages at play
Of toppling statues of the beast
That lived in that far distant day
Utopia had sudden ceased
A time when men owned other men
Brought from their homes since time began
To distant shores full bound and then
Put to slave labor for the man
So tear it down and start anew
Destroy the monuments and words
No red or white, but only blue
Upon the new flag of the herds
Of those identities that count
As human and of royal blood
Who cheer as red state bodies mount
And statues brace against the flood