When The Fog Horn Blows

The country is in a perilous state, groping for land in a deep, swirling fog. The HardLeft has initiated armed conflict, and there will be a response. The HardLeft laughingly puts on a play in Central Park in which a caricature of President Trump gets knifed to death every night to wild applause, the audience never expecting any pushback. But there was. A peaceful pushback, but the next one might not be so peaceful. They have asked for it, have the HardLeft, and they will not like what they get. The fog will not lift anytime soon, and the horn is sounding somewhere in the rock filled icy mist.

When the fog horn blows
Then the danger’s near
When the fog horn blows
Will then someone hear
In the swirling fog
Sharpened rocks surround
While the pounding surf
Roars with crashing sound
But does no one hear
Perhaps no one cares
All are busy at
Rearranging chairs

The Dance

In an attempt to comfort an old friend who was dying, I spoke of the memories we shared, the laughs we had, the fish we caught, and near the end he said he was ready for the dance. I asked him what he meant, and he said,

I was born before the earth was formed
In misty shadows in the lee
Of giant gods who sheltered me
While all about me stormed
My mother was a flickered light
My father held me in his palm
And told me of the sudden calm
That came only at night
When howling wind that never ceased
Blew rain as hard as silver beads
And carried with it magic seeds
That formed both man and beast
There came the time the night so long
Was sundered by the golden beams
That stirred the gods deep in their dreams
To sing to me a song
That told the tale of things to come
Of grace and beauty, laughing joy
And said that I, now but a boy
Would calculate the sum
Of barefoot angels as they danced
On moors where flowered broom stood high
As angel wings reflected sky
A silent I entranced
The gods sang that when time was near
That angels would upon my death
Dance for me on my final breath
And so I have no fear
He smiled and then he whispered aye
And in the sterile hospice room
The angels danced in flowered broom
White wings reflecting sky

Coming Home

The world is cyclical, but not circular. Spirits cluster like fireflies, seeking the familiar, with which to glow and play eternally.

The coil of time and space
Moves at a steady pace
Returning to the place
Where all began
Where family awaits
Behind the whitewashed gates
Unlocked, that indicates
That you are home
The door has opened wide
Entranced, you step inside
The house where you once cried
When left alone
So many years have passed
So fleeting and so fast
But you are home at last
To only dust
You climb the bedroom stair
To see if someone’s there
And slowly, in despair
You know they’re gone
But then are whispers heard
You strain to hear the word
As memory is stirred
From deep in mist
Bright shadows then appear
And loved ones held so dear
Come close and love is here
And you are home

Cultural Appropriation

In Portland, Oregon two white women were forced by the crazy progressive left to stop making and selling tortillas because they weren’t Mexican. A white woman soccer player was forced by black teammates to remove the braids from her hair, accusing her of cultural appropriation. Kathy Griffin was accused by Isis of cultural appropriation for showing a picture of a decapitated head. The craziness continues. Would American Indians have demanded FDR get out of his wheel chair when speaking because he was culturally appropriating sitting bull? If these bat guano nut jobs had been around during World War 2 the paratroopers would have been forced to stop yelling “Geronimo” when they jumped out of the planes. And so on.

The fork was first invented by Italians
And writing by some ancient nameless scribes
The ark was first then pinnaces and galleons
And bread and wine by countless ancient tribes
Some forty thousand years ago in China
A woman there was buried wearing shoes
And Roman texts reveal folks with angina
Were treated with hot wine and herbal brews
Some time ago in the Dutch town of Leiden
Two alcohol filled jars gave off a spark
Thank goodness sparks that caused some eyes to widen
And we no longer spend nights in the dark
The left knows all about appropriations
They fly the skies in planes they could not build
They sit in air conditioned railway stations
And eat tortillas till they’re overfilled
And braided hair dates to the Neolithic
The lefties scream like noisome birds of prey
Believing white man’s science to be mythic
Inflated when compared to such as they
They do not realize that they’ve been given
All that they have including college grades
Deny appropriation, they’d be riven
Reduced to claiming they invented braids

The Mole

The search goes on for the mole in the White House or in the Intelligence services who is leaking classified documents to the press in order to undermine and destroy President Trump. The mole, of course, is the former president.

For eight long years the hidden mole
Has ruled the country as a whole
Destruction but his only goal
Each morning he would sing
I am a lonely troubadour
I have my ears at every door
And all I have I do abhor
Including this west wing
I bear allegiance to no one
I am at large my mother’s son
I see my father’s work is done
Destruction do I bring
My minions they are everywhere
In every academic chair
I call to them and they are there
To kiss the golden ring
The agencies I’ve weaponized
The military I’ve despised
Humiliation I have prized
It’s good to be the king
I run the network with my staff
The witches three and we all laugh
And gleeful write your epitaph
As to our faith we cling
There’s not much more that I can say
I’ve worked so hard here every day
To see destruction every way
As from my work may spring

The Horror Of CO2

Animal life possesses a DNA in which every cell contains mitochondria capable of converting oxygen into energy and emitting carbon dioxide as a waste product, and plant life possesses a DNA in which every cell contains chloroplasts capable of converting carbon dioxide into energy and emitting oxygen as a waste product. Animal life on Earth cannot exist without oxygen and plant life on Earth cannot exist without carbon dioxide, and neither plants nor animals can exist on Earth without the other. So when did CO2 become a poison?

The withdrawal from the Paris Accords drove the Left into a frenzy of TrumpHate. Never mind that every single one of the TrumpHating elite goes nowhere except by private jet, lives in a mansion with a huge carbon footprint and generally behaves as if CO2 were not a problem. Which it isn’t. The entire global warming scam is a vehicle for crippling the manufacturing private sector of the United States for some, a money making scheme for others, and a religion for most. The Earth has been warming for more than 12,000 years, from about the time the last ice age ended and the ice began to melt. It matters not to the warmists that Earth was so warm twelve hundred years ago that wild grapes grew in Nova Scotia or that eleventh century Norwegians were farming the fertile fields of Greenland, now under a mile deep cover of ice. Don’t the global warming alarmists understand that the greater the concentration of CO2 the greater the wheat and corn yields and thus more food for those less fortunate than they? Global warming and climate change are all of a piece with the Left’s lunatic obsession with genderless bathrooms, cultural appropriation and the denial of biology.

The haters not all DNC
There’s traitors in the GOP
Who do not wish the president do well
They fantasize of severed heads
Of smothered Trumpsters in their beds
And scream of Russians having votes to sell
The latest is the climate deal
Where all agreed that they would steal
From Uncle Sam to pay for China’s debt
To humankind for burning coal
While other countries have the goal
To lower CO2 we ain’t seen yet
Obama signed all the accords
We pay for all, we let in hordes
To take the jobs the natives will not do
Inhaling all our oxygen
That brings back the hard knocks again
Because the crops can’t breathe and turn bright blue
The mitochondria don’t care
That CO2 is in the air
And chloroplasts are quite amused
That what they breathe comes slightly used
From animals who toss it off as waste
They know the oxygen they give
As waste enables us to live
And warming ain’t the worst they’ve ever faced

The Cabby And The Bobbies

On Sunday night, June 18, a fed-up man drove a van into a group of muslims, doubtless in retaliation for the attack by muslims using a van to kill civilians crossing the London Bridge a few weeks ago. One of the stories to come out of the London Bridge attack is the courage of the unarmed police and ordinary people. At the height of the London Bridge attack, a London cab driver tried to ram the van being driven by the killers, and a witness related how he saw four unarmed London policemen run toward the van with batons raised, not knowing if the jihadi killers in the van were armed or not. Luckily for the unarmed bobbies the muslim killers were armed only with knives. Picture it though – four unarmed policemen knowingly running into certain death if the killers had guns. You cannot teach courage. You either have it or you don’t.

We’ve seen this kind of thing before
We call it asymmetric war
Where one side fights with one hand tied
The other laughs and scoffs to hide
Full knowing bobby has no gun
And London cabs they can outrun
The bobby says untie my hands
The cabby says these muslim vans
Can come and go just as they please
While politicians say that these
Here muslims mean nobody harm
And meantime people buy the farm
Just walking ‘cross a bridge at night
Not thinking they might have to fight
I tell you if old Winnie’s here
He’d make ‘em pay and pay real dear
We British always muddle through
Somehow we figure what to do
But first our ruling class must stop
This feeding us this muck and glop
Insisting we stay on our knees
And start to hanging wogs from trees

The Melting Of The Ice

The problem is not that there are no answers, it is that half the population does not believe the answer if it is in opposition to their progressive ideology. The idea that human activity drives the planet’s climate is absurd, yet it is believed by those to whom leftist ideology is magic. Inviting into your home someone who has vowed to kill you, your family and your neighbors is insane, yet the political class is driven to do just that, despite the historical record of centuries of Muslim hatred for the Christian West. Socialism has always failed wherever it has been tried and yet the answer to the question of how to ensure the livelihood and way of life for the populace is always, in the eyes of some, state sponsored socialism. No, the problem is not that there are no answers, the problem is that some people, and mostly those who consider themselves to be far greater than their level of competence, believe implicitly, because their magic religion of progressivism demands they believe, that the ice is always melting, despite all evidence to the contrary. But from time to time the left stops hating and lapses into hilarity for a day or two, laughing at the infantile antics of the child who beat them in the last election, in the latest case a typo in a tweet. Unless there really is a word spelled covfefe.

A typo by a tweeter
There’s nothing could be sweeter
To those who think the president a dunce
An idiot, a moron
On whom much scorn they pour on
A man they claim covfefed more than once
How else to judge the way that
The Leftists always say that
Covfefe’s not the way we want to go
A magic incantation
A rich imagination
And pretty soon the ice fields start to grow
The Left says that our brothers
Iranians and others
Will save us if we only pay the price
We owe to Goddess Gaia
To whom we must convey a
Apology for melting all the ice

Commanding The Sun And The Wind

Even kings cannot command the sun to shine or the wind to blow and yet, if the Greens and the fanatical environmental crazies have their way, ordinary people will be placed in the position of commanding the wind and sun or freezing to death.

The king cried, “Bring me some fossil
Fuel so I can heat my cossil
For it gets so dreary cold these winter nights
It’s now dark so solar pandles
Have no sun so I need candles
There’s no juice for me to turn on any lights
There’s a windmill on each tower
But without wind there’s no power
And it’s calm tonight with nary a slight breeze
I need coal to get some warming
On these nights with winter storming
It’s so cold in here I nearly like to freeze
On each roof a solar juiceter
Where each morn our faithful rooster
Doesn’t crow because the sky is filled with cloud
There’s no sun to do the dishes
And if horses were mere wishes
I would say the whole shebang is not allowed
I’m so bundled up I wobble
Those damn windmills too much trobble
I am forced to wear a double ermine coat
Why should I the king wear flannels
Take those windmills and the panels
And just throw all of those damn things in the moat!”

Over The Rainbow Part 2

The cry that only green energy will save us never ends, despite the evidence it does not work. The Greens raise the cry that fossil fuels are running out so we must immediately change to windmills. So very strange it is that every prediction of peak oil has turned out to be wrong. The world swims in oil and gas, oceans and oceans of it. It is entirely possible the hidden reserves are not close to being finite. Oil is not the product of ancient forests being compressed into liquid carbon by millions of years of pressure as we once believed. Thorium reactors are here now, and there will one day be cold fusion, but until that day we have plenty of oil and natural gas to keep us going very nicely. I very much doubt fracking will be the only new method for tapping into the sea of oil beneath our feet. There is currently no crisis in energy, despite the cries of despair from the Greens. To believe that solar and wind will replace fossil fuels is lunacy. There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and if there is a pot it is filled with oil.

Somewhere, over the rainbow
Wind and sun
Will be found not insane though
And all our cares are done
Somewhere, over the rainbow
Skies are blue
Folks from Texas to Maine though
Just want to know what’s true
Someday we’ll wish upon a star
And find these fossil fuels are far behind us
Where solar flows like lemon drops
And wind blows strong and never stops
So just remind us
That somewhere over the rainbow
Wind blows free
And the sun will remain so
No more need oil will we
Somewhere over the rainbow
Oil will die
Dreams fly over the rainbow
Why then oh why can’t I