Serving At His Pleasure

On Friday President Obama announced the appointment of Robert Malley as ”Special Assistant to the President and White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf Region.” It may or may not come as a surprise to know that Robert Malley is an Egyptian, the founder of the Egyptian Communist Party, or that his wife worked for the FLN, the Algerian terrorist group. How many Communists does it take to destroy a previously free country? Answer: One. All the rest serve at his pleasure. The mask is now fully removed, though in truth the mask hid nothing that was not perfectly obvious to many. Fathered by a Kenyan Communist Muslim, raised as a Muslim, mentored by Frank Marshall Davis, an American Communist, attended a Black radical church where he listened for twenty years to the anti-white, anti-American, anti-Israel rantings of Jeremiah Wright, there was nothing not immediately visible to anyone who would see. His female senior advisors have family ties to Communism. Obama appointee Anita Dunn gushingly told us that her favorite philosopher was Mao Tse Tung, the Communist dictator who murdered sixty million Chinese in the course of cementing his power. There may be some slight excuse for those who were oblivious to the obvious in 2008, but to re-elect this madman in 2012 causes me to question if we have not already gone over the cliff.

The cliff is high, and far below
The rocks rise up to meet us
It took some time but now we know
Who will be there to greet us
For standing quiet at the base
His black eyes shining brightly
Obama raises up his face
And smiles ever so slightly

The Anointed

The entrails indicate that the white smoke issuing from Bill’s pants proclaims the new leader of the Free World will be Hillary Clinton, or at least the leader of the disloyal Democratic Party. Her incompetence as Secretary of State is the stuff of legend. Her lies about what happened in Benghazi the night four American, including the American ambassador, were murdered by Muslims tripped off her smiling tongue like honey dripping off the claws of a sweet-toothed bear. Hillary has a long and unsavory history of corruption and incompetence that makes her the ideal Democrat candidate. The Rose Law firm billing records, Whitewater, stealing furniture from the White House when she and Bill vacated, Chinese Army money, the Benghazi consulate, the innocent video maker still in jail, the billions of dollars from foreign countries in anticipation of her coronation, all these make her larger than life, a walking, breathing, pantsuited criminal enterprise that would make the most corrupt Chicago pol cramp up with envy. E-mails? Add them to the list.

The child dreams of his magic tooth
And Aesop had his fables
And both had much more of the truth
Than State Department cables
Whitewater seems a child’s play rhyme
A scam, a small time caper
That got laughed off, she did no time
The charges so much vapor
She always was a coattail girl
Bright in her husband’s aura
Slow dancing in the maddened whirl
To gather golden flora
She needed friends to get ahead
A liberal, no thinker
Her politics were not quite red
But definitely pinker
First Lady but a stepping stone
To future elevation
To where she now fights for the throne
That’s far above her station
The law cares not for what she did
The Clintons are above it
You want the emails that she hid?
She’ll tell you to go shove it
But what of that one well may ask
The job has no description
For as of late the only task
Is writing the prescription
For leftist power to define
The country’s demolition
And Hill will write the final line
With passionate volition


Barack Obama, having taken over the country’ health care system and automobile industry, has now taken over the Internet, forcing it to conform to a law written in 1934 to control the activities of Ma Bell, then the provider of telephone service for millions of people. The Internet, of course, is enjoyed by billions of people throughout the world, which is why Obama will now regulate it. Not only must the United States bend to his communist will, so must the rest of the world. Obama’s purpose is not to regulate the Internet or the health care system, but to regulate us. And since the Internet will now be forced back to the copper wire world of 1934, then there must be someone who knows where the invisible wires are, the invisible wires that bind us to Obama’s will. There must be offices with steel map drawers, with drawing boards and draftsmen updating the maps as new wires are laid and old wires replaced or removed. There must be, in addition, a grid system defining named areas of wire enclosure, plus an outside field force to maintain and repair the wires damaged by ice storms and vandals. Ultimately the population will be known by the grid in which they live and in which they are, at least in the communications sense, confined. The capture and subjugation of the Internet is but part of the world wide data capture by Intelligence agencies now turned over to Homeland Security by an Obama administration uncomfortable when not having absolute control of everything it can get its hands on. I spoke to the young inexperienced and incompetent Obama woman in charge of the wires just today, and she was excited at the prospect of capturing, from every misbegotten place on Earth where a cell tower has been erected or a spool of copper wire laid, every spoken word, every written sentence, whether English or Tagalog, Urdu or Spanish, and running it all through the vast, temperature controlled floors filled with teraflop mainframes to be translated, analyzed and the sender and receiver identified.

A brave new world, she gaily cried
We’re safe as we can be
Bad people have nowhere to hide
At last we’re truly free
Free to live now without fear
We cannot be attacked
And all because Barack, the dear
Is watching, that’s a fact
And it’s my job to keep in touch
With all who use the net
And telephones and fax and such
Indeed your tv set
And those who say we did create
A tyranny at best
A freedom stifling fascist state
I say the wired West
Is freer now than in the past
We’re free to think and dream
The world is open, free and vast
Except to the extreme
The ill-formed thought, ill-chosen words
A careless verb or noun
Are gathered in like flocking birds
If spoke or written down
Remember, it’s the price we pay
Be careful, that’s for sure
Or there will come, it’s sad to say
A knock upon your door


My reading of history is that the charismatic political/military leader always leads to disaster, while the charismatic religious leader sometimes leads to disaster and sometimes not. Of the former, Hannibal Barca, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, and many lesser lights have brought disaster upon themselves and their countries. Of the religious charismatics only Gautama’s teachings did not lead to centuries of religious warfare. The teachings of Abraham led to Joshua and Canaan and Megidoo and ultimate dispersal by the Romans. The adherents of the teachings of Jesus and Mohammed have been killing each other, off and on, for fourteen hundred years. One could argue that the teachings of Luther led directly to the Thirty Years War, which was a disaster for central Europe, or argue with far less justification that Gandhi was indirectly responsible for millions of dead in the Hindu/Muslim wars between India and Pakistan that followed the partition of India after the departure of the British Raj. The charismatic leader will always be with us, and as certain as night follows day mass killing follows in their shadow. The mass killing following Obama will far surpass any previous killings, with the bleached bones of hundreds of millions littering the burnt black Earth. Iran will have nuclear weapons thanks to Barack Obama, and they will use them on Paris and Rome and Berlin and London and New York and Tel Aviv, and the Umma will be destroyed in turn, all in the name of chaos and the return of the twelfth Imam and the establishment of a world-wide Islamic caliphate. One wonders if the New York Times will notice.

Hydrogen, a molecule
Has not a thought for thee
Deuterium, so goes the rule
And Tritium makes three
Some packaging, a part or two
Assembled with some care
So powerful that but a few
Will lay a country bare
A blinding flash, the night sky lit
Compression, howling wind
And all is gone, as fires knit
The bones of those who’ve sinned
As well the bones of innocents
Whom charismatics doom
Who rule by guile and sharp pretense
The smartest in the room

A New Don Juan

Throughout history militia forces have not been able to stand up to regulars. Bladensburg comes to mind. ISIS is not of Western regular army quality, but it seems to be as good as an Arab army gets. Therefore it will take the Fourth Infantry Division to beat them. What is needed is a present day Don Juan to rally the Europeans to fight, if not for the Christian Copts, if not for the Christian Arabs or Christian Iraqi Kurds, if not for all innocent Infidels, then at least for themselves. It may well come to giving each Middle Eastern Muslim community its own private piece of land, and since these people have shown, over the centuries, that their only interest is in killing us, their own private piece of land should begin about six feet deep.

Don Juan, he of the golden hair
And women-winning smile
Set out where others would not dare
And conquered, all the while
The Christian powers all sat back
Absorbed in their affairs
While Muslim raiders burn and sack
Then return to their lairs
Today we see more of the same
Beheadings, burnt alive
Killing is for them a game
They play from nine to five
A new Don Juan is what we need
To teach the bastards well
Forever kill that loathsome creed
And send them all to hell

Stocking Up

We are in a pre-war time, just like the 1930s. The principal difference between today and the 1930s is that there doesn’t appear to be a Churchill waiting in the wings. Then it took only one bridge, the Rhineland Bridge, to be crossed to set things in motion, while today so many bridges have already been crossed and burnt that the ending is inevitable. Which is why I am stocking up on pre-war Irish Whiskey.

I’m stocking up on pre-war Irish whiskey
And Amazon is shipping nylons free
I know that smoking cigarettes is risky
But soon enough no more of them I’ll see
The government will list what they will ration
And Goodyear tires a thing of the past
The newsreels will raise ire to a passion
As wimpy leaders scream no stone be cast
But once roused fed up free men won’t be stopping
Until those stinking Muslims are all dead
And that is why I’m doing pre-war shopping
And have some Irish whiskey then to bed

Reality And The Mirror

It is claimed that the next step in technology is upon us, technology that will not only mirror our thoughts, but talk back to us. The new technology will be more than just a passive mirror, it will be a mirror that talks back to reality, in close touch with Spiritus Mundi, the spirit of the world. Or such is the claim. This is all very well, but what if reality doesn’t want to talk to the mirror? I found my mirror sulking the other morning, and I asked what the matter was. She said she’d tried to strike up a conversation with reality and he just ignored her. I said reality was like that.

Reality is sometimes like a Sunday
At ease, relaxed, content to take a nap
At other times it knows there is a Mundi
And hates to look up on the false drawn map
The places where there seems to be the trouble
Most likely to cause strife and also pain
Where people sit uneasily on the bubble
Just longing for reality in vain
She said she understands why he’s not talking
It’s just that techies try but can’t perfect
An interface where folks like me are gawking
At images that we can but reflect
Why do I only see my own reflection
Why can’t I see the wide world as it is
Why is it that reality’s perfection
Why is I’m so flat and he’s the fizz
I left her on the wall so quiet sobbing
Alone she was and wanting so much more
Her dream of sweet reality hobnobbing
As silently I closed the bathroom door

The Essence Of Sweet Purity

Obama wants to take the task of gathering Intelligence from the National Security Agency and give it to the unionized Department of Homeland Security, who yearly receive praise and bonuses for being only slightly less honest and competent than the IRS. So competent has Homeland been in its treatment of passengers at the nation’s airports, so much the essence of competence and sweet purity, that it is justly considered to be the only conceivable choice to guard the secrets and privacy of American companies and citizens, doubters and malcontents to the contrary.

The essence of sweet purity
Is our own Homeland Security
They’ll guard your secret data with their lives
They’ll make you take your shoes off
And fight to keep the clues off
Front pages and will help on paper drives
They take the war on terror
So seriously that error
Cannot creep up or out or even in
They’ll keep safe all your data
From alpha clear to beta
And if they lose it you’ll know where it’s been
They do great jobs at airports
And while they sometimes share warts
With other agencies they’re miles above
The folks who hired Snowden
And swear by Zeus and Wodin
That you’ll be fine and what is not to love


The Actors And The Acted Upon

The steady, almost inch by inch advance by Russia westwards into the sovereign country of Ukraine continues despite wringing of hands by Western leaders. There are two kinds of people – those, like Putin, who do what they want to do when they want to do it, and those who are always surprised the Putins of the world are doing what they want to do. Nobody sees the moving shadow until it blots out the light. The Rheinland bridge was just a bridge, the Marco Polo bridge was just a bridge, until the tolls came due. British music halls once rang with the defiant cry of “The Russians shall not have Constantinople!” No more. Lord Cardigan will not throw his light brigade upon the Russian guns, nor will the ghosts of the Wehrmacht’s 17th Army appear in the Crimea any time soon. Go back to sleep, child, it’s just a dream.

Upon the lake the setting sun
Cast shadows deep and dark
And somewhere, noting day is done
There sang a plaintive lark
The darkness crept from east to west
Unheard the loon’s shrill cries
Important people who knew best
Sang soft sweet lullabies
Inside the dark the red eyes stared
Fixed tight upon the prey
Who woke at last, and trembling, scared
Prayed for the light of day

Kicking The Tires

Rudy Giuliani has fired a well-aimed shot in the nomination war by saying what John McCain and Mitt Romney were afraid to say, for fear of being called racist, that Barack Hussein Obama does not love the United States, that on the contrary he is determined to destroy it. He is kicking tires and finding a heartening response from supporters and squeals of rage from the enemies of this country.

Kicking tires, Giuliani
Arched a brow and slyly smiled
Then said to Moe and Jack and Manny
I’ve told the truth, the man’s defiled
The Constitution and our laws
Our health care system he’s destroyed
His actions give me more than pause
I tell you more than just annoyed
I’m kicking tires ‘cause this race
Is too important to stand by
It sure can stand another face
One unafraid to raise the cry
That Hussein is an evil man
Determined to destroy us all
Raised by those who had a plan
To drive this country to the wall
He played upon white women’s guilt
Encouraging white women’s lust
He offered them a diverse quilt
And when elected came the thrust
The sword of Islam to the heart
Does Hussein love this country? No
Well trained he was to play the part
But it’s not us that he loves so
He loves the minarets at dawn
He loves the morning call to prayer
Prepared to be the deadly pawn
To be this country’s Muslim slayer