Eternal Sleep

Some wonder why young Muslim men join ISIS or al Qaeda, and do the terrible things they do. Well, some do it for the fun, some out of a sense of duty and some out of religious fervor. But basically they do it because war is part of the human condition. War is built into human nature. Many years ago a zoologist named Desmond Morris correctly characterized humans as naked apes, though perhaps unfairly to the apes. Archaeologists have enlisted the Geneticists in tracing the migration patterns of ancient peoples through DNA. What is clear is that people did not trek long distances to new homes because they wanted to; they left their homes because someone drove them out. The Gauls, Scythians, Celts, Huns, Alans and others killed and enslaved each other in the process of creating a recognizable map of Northern Europe. The Middle East was fought over by Hittites, Egyptians, Assyrians, and many others thousands of years before Mohammed was born. Sherman and LeMay understood history, and the history of man from the Paleolithic to today is a recitation of tribal attacks on other tribes. The rise of the European nation state saw the movement of European law, customs and power into tribal areas outside Europe, ushering in a period of relative peace in areas of the world formerly riven with tribal conflict. This period of relative peace and prosperity was called Colonialism, and after World War 2, at the urging of the United States, the European colonial powers released their hold on these tribal areas, who had remained, despite centuries of exposure to European law and customs, the tribes they had always been. The absence of European law and power resulted in the return of tribal lawlessness and conflict, which we see now in the Middle East and Africa. How much of this renewed tribal conflict can be placed at the feet of Obama is problematic. The withdrawal of the United States from these tribal areas was only the last, and perhaps not the most important of the withdrawals that led to the rise of sectarian conflict among the tribes newly released from the overlordship of Europe. We will not see a return to stability in the Middle East and Africa until the tribes settle things themselves. History repeats itself, and the answer is always the same: let them fight it out until somebody wins.

Sticks and stones, or sword and spear
Life was cruel and cheap
Sound of horseman, leap of fear
Brought eternal sleep
Young jihadis, justice bound
Honor they would keep
Martyrdom they quickly found
And eternal sleep
Trails of sorrow, vales of tears
Darkness sad and deep
Tells the story down the years
Of eternal sleep

The Confidence Of Rivers

The Issus is a river in Persia, where Alexander met and defeated a numerically superior Persian army. So confident of victory was the Persian King Darius that he took his pregnant wife to watch the fun. The Manassas was the Indian name for what later came to called Bull Run, and so confident of victory was Union General McDowell that he allowed carriages full of ladies to watch the battle. Unfortunately for McDowell and the ladies, Stonewall Jackson was there to meet them. And so the Potomac, where Obama is so confident that his genius will lead to victory that he has invited us all to watch the fun. The Issus, the Manassas, the Potomac, it is all the same. Darius and Alexander are gone, McDowell and Jackson are gone, and Obama will soon be gone, but the rivers will still be here, still flowing, all unmindful of what is happening upon their banks.

When Darius took the missus
To see the River Issus
He thought that she would witness some great fun
Just like McDowell and maties
Took carriages with ladies
To watch and cheer the boys at old Bull Run
Yes rivers breed frustration
For many a fine nation
Found that what comes in flood will soon recede
A promise of tomorrow
Will often end in sorrow
As worlds collide with no one paying heed
We’re faced with foes quite ruthless
And find Obama toothless
He talks real big while looking for a sign
That all will turn out rosy
So long as he’s real cozy
With mullahs who are naught if not malign
The broad, swift flowing river
Both taker and a giver
Gives not a thought to those upon its banks
It knows that time’s forever
That man, however clever
Will always know it owes the river thanks

Sweet Memories Remain

It takes a lot to ruin a country, and Obama has two more years to finish the job he set out to do. Yet nothing is ever truly completely erased from memory. The United States that we have known and grown up with may cease to exist, thanks to Barack Obama, but sweet memories will remain.

A hot July the Founders met
And pledged they’d never part
And love of country not forget
Forever in each heart
The years fled by, some pain the while
But somehow we got through
With just these words said with a smile
My country, I love you
The time has flown so quickly by
Much sun, now bitter rain
And if we’re gone, the country die
Sweet memories remain

The Night That We Both Dreamed

President Obama, just days after boasting of the nuclear agreement with Iran, was dismayed at the dismissive words of Iranian President Rouhani, who contradicted Obama on every point, especially since Obama thought he and Rouhani had a special relationship that transcended politics and matters of State. Alone in the Oval Office, President Obama stared out the window at the hateful world outside, betrayed by someone he loved, reflecting on that glorious night together, under the Persian stars. As he stood, immobile with grief, he softly sang his own sad words to an old Persian melody:

We saw each other quite by chance
And something held me fast
I smiled and asked you for a dance
And knew that now, at last
I’d found the one I’d searched so long
And far and wide to find
We moved in rhythm to the song
As if you’d read my mind
I gave to you the stars that night
I plucked them one by one
And placed them in your hair so bright
Like diamonds in the sun
We talked that night of many things
Of nukes and how we two
Would share the joy that friendship brings
Joy given to so few
You said that you would stop your quest
For atom bombs and such
And would be friendly to the West
The words I loved so much
And now those words are hollowed out
Rejected with such force
And if at last are followed out
You’ll be the stronger horse
Our memories are colder now
Your promises unkept
The joy we had you’d not allow
As slow upon me crept
Sweet memories of that first night
A meeting quite by chance
And instant love, at instant sight
When I asked you to dance
And promised on the stars above
So close, or so they seemed
And placed them in your hair with love
The night that we both dreamed


We see almost every day a story about a doctor, a lawyer, whatever, who is discovered to have never entered medical school, law school or any other post graduate school, and yet were accepted as being who they claimed to be because they produced fake credentials. It used to be you used to have to prove yourself, but now all you need is a good looking piece of paper. And it goes beyond faking it to get a job in a law firm. In November 2008 the American public elected as president a man who was completely unknown to anyone but himself and his handlers. His credentials were presented for inspection in his autobiographies, and unexamined. His claim to have graduated from Harvard and Columbia has never been confirmed, for his school transcripts are mysteriously not available for inspection, and no one at either school remembers having ever seen him there. His early life is shrouded in mystery. If the truth is as he says it is, why are the records not available? Where are the people he hung around with in school? Why is the national media so incurious?

Credentials matter, not the names
No further need we look
A man is what his paper claims
His life an open book
A president, we all agree
Whose life is papered lies
A doctored, fraudulent CV
Means that the country dies

The Illusionist

The Iranians have rejected out of hand the nuke deal that Obama said he had persuaded them, against great odds, to agree to, a deal he praised as a major part of his magnificent legacy. The Iranians have shown Obama to be what many have always known, but is the illusionist disillusioned? Apparently not. I spoke to Obama spokeswoman Marie Harf a few minutes ago and asked how Obama was taking the latest spit in the face from Iran, and what could he do about it now that he has effectively disarmed the American military and has no allies. She tossed her long blond hair and said Barack had plenty of allies who would march at the merest crook of his little finger. As she turned away she haughtily said,

The president is firm of face
Determined to win through
He says his loyal ally, Thrace
Is raising forces too
The Scythians are all on board
The Gauls and yes the Huns
And Genghis and the Golden Horde
And Tamerlane has guns
We’ll show those Persians who is boss
They’ll sign that deal, you’ll see
We’ll lift those sanctions, it’s no loss
And what will be will be

The Night We Dreamed

A Country music lyric. Sure wish I could write music. Anyone know a Country singer or band who needs a lyricist?

We saw each other quite by chance
And something held me fast
I smiled and asked her for a dance
And knew that now, at last
I’d found the one I’d searched so long
And far and wide to find
We moved in rhythm to the song
As if she’d read my mind
I gave to her the stars that night
I plucked them one by one
And placed them in her hair so bright
Like diamonds in the sun
Our memories are older now
And promises were kept
More love than Heaven would allow
As slowly the years crept
Sweet memories of that first night
A meeting quite by chance
And instant love, at instant sight
When I asked her to dance
And promised on the stars above
So close, or so they seemed
And placed them in her hair with love
The night that we both dreamed

An Historic Deal

A framework deal has been announced between the murderous mullahs of Iran and the United States of Obama, allowing the Iranians to proceed apace with the ordained destruction of Israel. The president proudly says that if Iran cheats and gets the bomb the world will know it. Of course it will, especially those downwind of the fallout.

Does anyone think O will grieve
When nukes make ash of Tel Aviv
When morning sees the rising sun
Light up the corpses while The One
Is busy putting on his pants
And hearing of it says, “By chance,
I have a date, three guys and me
To play some golf at Burning Tree.
Immediate on my return
I’ll ascertain what I can learn
About the incident to date
That led to this deserv-ed fate.”
Does anyone think O will choose
To blame it on the hateful Jews
Of course he will, that is the plan
And why he’s loved throughout Iran

Red Diaper Baby

The median IQ is 100, which means that one half the population is below the median, and it was this lower half of the food chain that elected and re-elected a Muslim Communist to be president of the United States. The following song, Red Diaper Baby, is sung to the tune of that old time Country favorite, Red River Valley.

He was born as a Red Diaper baby
He was raised with a Red point of view
It was hoped that the lad one day maybe
Would destroy the old red, white and blue
As a Muslim his viewpoint was steady
He was ignorant, savage and vain
Like his parents were, stupid and petty
Early on his life’s pathway was lain
A good Christian for years he pretended
In Chicago he listened to Wright
All the while he knew what he intended
When the time came he’d turn out the light
He was taught as a Muslim to hate us
He was taught to hate Christians and Jews
He had lists of the harms that await us
Should he rise from the back of the pews
And take charge of the country and lead us
Down the path of destruction and woe
He would hurt us and harm us and bleed us
Until over the cliff we would go
He was born as a Red Diaper baby
With the hopes of his parents he rose
But with luck we’ll survive him, just maybe
And we’ll see if in two years he goes

The Brilliance Of It All

The Yemeni army refused to fight the advancing Shi’ite rebels, and the Iraqi army refused to fight the advancing Sunni ISIS. Both sides are now armed with half a trillion dollars of US equipment, and are now engaged in all out religious civil war. I spoke to an Obama advisor and she almost fainted with delirious joy at the sheer brilliance of the Obama policy.

She said how brilliant is Barack’s
Maneuvers that attained
Our goals for Sunnis for attacks
On those whom we have trained
They do not fight, retreat instead
Equipment thrown away
She smiled and shook her pretty head
What else is there to say?
The Sunnis now have all the arms
They need to kill Shi’ite
Not least among the many charms
Is we don’t have to fight
And now when Shi’ites are destroyed
Our Sunni friends will soon
Surround Iran with all deployed
While Barack, our Haroun
Sees quietly the Iran threat
Dissolves beneath our gaze
The twelfth Imam is not here yet
And may not be for days
What happens though when Sunnis win
I said with a slight frown
And feel their muscle and begin
To take the US down?
But don’t you see, she clapped her hands
Barack has seen it all
It’s all according to his plans
Excuse me, I’ve a call
What’s that, they’ve joined together now
The twelfth Imam is here?
And Barack says that he will bow?
I see, she said, Oh Dear!