It is now more than 24 hours since the Dems passed Obamacare late Sunday night, and I am still sick unto my stomach. We had too close a glimpse at the sausage making. Deals and threats, threats and deals. I tell myself it isn’t over, I tell myself there is still a chance to stay the country from going down the road to serfdom, to borrow a phrase, to stay the country from going down that long, slippery socialist road that leads to the long sleep of national death. It took Rome a long time to die; our death will be cleaner, for the barbarians are not at the gates, they are ruling the country. But I do not despair. To borrow another phrase, God looks after drunks, fools and the United States of America. I believe we will come through this, changed, possibly, in some ways, but not fundamentally changed, as is so ardently wished by our leftist rulers. Maybe the pundits are right, maybe the Democrats will be severely punished in November. I hope so, but November is a long way off, and much can and will happen. I comfort myself by believing the left has just had its Austerlitz, and Waterloo is looming, and they will go the way of another American political party, the long gone and mostly forgotten Whigs.
Nothing could be vainer
Than the plea by Mr. Boehner
To get the Dems to thinking
‘Bout a bill that was so stinking
That most people did reject it
But his plea, as was expected
Was rebuffed by those who heard it
And they voted as if herded
By Pelosi dressed in fancy
Clothing made for just our Nancy
Made it clear that any member
Who votes no will long remember
What it’s like to cross the party
So with cheers both loud and hearty
The Dems just destroyed the nation
Disregarding the oration
By distinguished Mr. Boehner
Their disdain could not be plainer
But the battle isn’t over
For the moment they’re in clover
But November will be here soon
They’ll be sitting in the rear soon
For no matter how they salve it
Angered people will not have it
Yes right now they’re quite the fed pigs
Pretty soon they’ll be the dead Whigs