The Burkini

The beaches of France are seeing Muslim women in full body bathing suits, dubbed by the locals The Burkini. The problem arises when non-Muslims are perceived by Muslim men as perverts, lustfully ogling their presumed zaftig women. Fights ensue, and injuries accrue, though so far the lenient French authorities are loathe to accuse Muslims of injuring people. I see no problem here. Take a look at a 1910 phot of an American beach and you will see every woman dressed in full body swimsuits, and look at them just fifty years later in an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikinis. I predict that the Muslim world will also progress, though at a slower pace, and that itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikinis will be de rigueur on North African beaches in another two or three thousand years. It only takes one courageous woman to change the world.

Yes she wore a hot burkini
For the first time worn today
But through eye slit teeny weeny
Lustrous eyes began to play
Then she pulled herself together
With her husband taking care
She debated as to whether
She should show a little hair
Just a headscarf, bright and cheerful
The burkini hit the sand
Knowing she would get an earful
And from husband, back of hand
Worn beneath the hot burkini
She had dared to show her spunk
Was a yellow teeny weeny
For she knew Islam was bunk

The Last Ride Of Barack Obama

In a secluded corner of a dark train shed a high speed eight wheel locomotive waits, steam up, crew aboard, a single passenger car behind the tender. A sleek black limousine stops and a stoop shouldered Barack Obama emerges and quickly boards the train. Without a word the big drivers start to move and the train pulls quietly out of the train shed and onto the high iron, the open fire door casting bright orange light on the roiling smoke.

The train rolls through the policies of torn and rubbled streets
Of lies and sheer incompetence and treasonous defeats
Through deserts where there once was life but now is dry and bare
Across deep rivers where there lie betrayed friends in his care
Deserted cities where once fought brave men who lay in peace
Until their graves were given up and now their pain won’t cease
The big eight wheeler pounded on, deceptions cast aside
Bold lies and small deceits comingled for a smoother ride
Across a trestle high above the country and the law
Then past the farms where cut down fields were bare to the last straw
Into the night the train full sped, its lights reflecting track
That led nowhere and at the end there was no turning back
The train slowed down and stopped beside a flashing dead end sign
They’d reached the end, the dead end end, of the Obama line
In dead of night he left the train, no limousine to hand
And walked into the darkness of a strange and lonely land
In tattered clothes and unshaved beard he thought himself disguised
Full knowing the contempt with which he was reviled, despised
Held in contempt by all the world that once beheld him king
Bestowing unearned honors with deep bows and kiss of ring
And now as daylight broke and showed the dry bare desert floor
He shuffled forward slowly knowing that forever more
He’d walk the barren sand with dead black Nemesis behind
Who would one day relieve him of the life for now declined
And so for all eternity the Lone Man cheated death
Reviled, despised, and longing for, release with every breath
And yet did Nemesis with evil grin withhold his hand
And with Barack he walked forever in that darkened land

The Labyrinth Of The Mind

Scientists have recently discovered a trove of ancient stone tools used by – monkeys. Scientists have credited chimpanzees with the intelligence of five year old humans, and we all know high government officials with the intelligence level of a five year old, so that bodes well for the chimps, always assuming they tested too few chimps and missed the geniuses. I know a border collie smarter than some of my neighbors. And so it goes. We delude ourselves when we smugly believe we are the only animals capable of rational thought, especially considering how infrequently rational thought is observed among our species. Elephants routinely exhibit a  high level of intelligence, and my faithful old Irish setter, thought by many to be the dumbest dog ever bred, often looks at me with intelligent eyes, as if trying to speak to me. And I believe he is. No, the brain, be it the brain of a dog, a chimp or a human, is an unexplored and perhaps unexplorable labyrinth of byways and pathways that defies examination or understanding.

Why do my memories spring to life without my being there
How is it people long since gone have still new thoughts to share
Why does my dreaming brain still take me back to childhood’s end
Recalling shining faces of each kindergarten friend
We know that dogs remember things and chimps feel sorrow too
We know the whales sing lonely songs to others not in view
We look beyond the Milky Way into the vasty deep
And see the starry pinwheels spin and instantly we leap
Into the labyrinth and see and smell and hear the sounds
Of laughter and the joys of which the universe abounds
The labyrinth contains the soft sung music of the spheres
And best of all the labyrinth can bring from beauty, tears

The Improbable Accident

Every accident is the result of a series of improbable events, and therefore the accident itself can never be avoided. The question is, why is it still thought of as an accident?

Yes accidents will happen, said the spider to the fly
My web fair glistened with the dew and surely caught your eye
I was distracted by the sight, the fly despondent said
And now I am encased in silk and shortly to be dead
But accident it wasn’t for the reasons I shall state
I gorged myself on offal and in consequence slept late
And so while on my way to meet a colleague for some sport
I chanced upon a female of the smirking slutty sort
‘Twas then I found she was transgendered, once a lady boy
And looked upon strange heteros as some new playful toy
I got away but stumbled on a tangled bit of hair
Disguising there the entrance to some horrid bugger’s lair
Escaping once again the fate in store for all us flys
I flew to safety till I caught a sight of much surprise
A field of diamonds sharp and clear bright shining in the sun
And riches beyond dreams were mine to share with not a one
But landed I upon thy web to which you hurried hence
Thus accidents a series of improbable events
And yet, the spider thoughtful mused, an accident for sure
For had your mind been clear you would have found some lush ordure
Instead of diamonds in the sun, and ‘less I miss my  hunch
You find yourself my guest and I assume you’ll stay for lunch

An Improbable Show Of force

The US Air Force has dispatched B-1B bombers to Guam in response to a Chinese military build-up in the South China Sea. But is this a serious move, or an administration shadow show designed to convince an unbelieving China that Obama is serious about defending the Philippines, Japan and Taiwan.

The B-1B is quite a show
It flies real high it flies real low
It carries bombs and missiles too
At least I think it used to do
It isn’t stealthy, not a bit
So you would think it could be hit
I fail to see its purpose here
I guess it’s meant to calm the fear
Of Filipinos who feel threats
But wise men surely will place bets
That King Barack and all his men
March up the hill and down again

My Little Green Car

Where it came from I don’t know. What happened to it is forever a mystery. But I remember that wonderful day when I took the little girl next door for a ride.

I got my car when I was five
Pedal operated
I took my daily sidewalk drive
So laughingly elated
I asked the little girl next door
If she would like a ride
She paused and asked if I was sure
Then slipped in by my side
I put the pedals to the mat
And zipped on down the walk
So fast the wind took off my hat
So fast we couldn’t talk
I wonder where she is today
I think of her at times
And know that memory will play
With pedal cars and rhymes
The world slips past at frantic speed
We don’t know where we are
But time can’t change a small boy’s need
For a bright green pedal car

Smashing Down The Walls

There are those who claim the Constitution is in shreds and the walls are down, and the leaders of both the Democratic and Republican Party have led the way in smashing them. I dunno, but that’s not the way I see it at all. From my vantage point it is only one political party smashing down walls, and that is the radical leftist controlled Democratic Party, who have been smashing down Constitutional walls for decades, culminating with the corruption of the Clintons and the utter lawlessness of Obama. What the country needs right now is a William Tecumseh Sherman.

To say both parties smash down walls
Is saying law and order
Is out despite repeated calls
By Trump to close the border
One Party seems to want race war
They set up cops for killing
We’ve seen this kind of thing before
The Left seems very willing
To tear down all the walls in sight
The Constitution worthless
We’re in the midst of Leftist blight
So maddened and so mirthless
The people who have raised up Trump
To fight for restoration
Of what we were when men like Cump
Restored a shattered nation
We need Cump Sherman with us now
The Left will not go quiet
They’ll smash it all, that is their vow
I say just let them try it


Barack Obama has just broken the law again by paying 400 million dollars in ransom to Iran for the release of four American citizens illegally imprisoned. The law against using American money to ransom prisoners or captives is clear, which is why Obama had to send American dollars to Switzerland where they were changed into bags of Swiss francs and euros, and flown in an unmarked plane to Iran. Not content with illegal money laundering, he brushed aside the clear and long standing American government policy of not paying ransom, a policy that recognizes that paying ransom for captives only invites more imprisoning of innocent Americans, as witnessed by Iran arresting two other American citizens just hours after the bags of untraceable cash was handed over. Obama cares nothing for the law or for the United States. His actions over the length of his entire time in office in regard to Iran are unlawful and treasonous. Yet he stands above it all, smiling coolly and telling us, in this latest unlawful incident, that it was not ransom at all, just a coincidental settlement of a longstanding dispute dating back to 1979. He doesn’t care that we know it is a lie, he knows the lapdog media will cover for him no matter what he does, no matter how treasonous, unlawful or dangerous.

It sickens me to think how far we’ve fallen
A president who cares not for the law
A president whose aim is to destroy us
A president with hatred red and raw
For everything this country stood and stands for
A man from whom the worst is yet to come
He has five months to finish what he started
Which is to put us under Islam’s thumb
Consider his advisers since beginning
Red diaper babies each and every one
His Muslim father a Red Kenyan commie
Allegiance to this country he has none
And yet there is no outcry ‘bout this ransom
Dem voters yawn and shrug and say it’s fine
While others shrug and murmur what’s the difference
It’s just another step in our decline

The Boundary

The quest for Artificial Intelligence is proceeding apace, despite the warnings from some very eminent scientists of the risks that AI may result in the creating of demons, that there is a boundary that should not be crossed. There was no talk of a possible boundary between the Newtonian world and its successor, because a successor to Newtonian physics was inconceivable. Yet there was a boundary and a successor, a successor that was discovered serendipitously by Max Planck in 1900, who was simply trying to develop a more efficient incandescent light bulb. It took some years to tease out the rules of quantum physics, but when it was even partially understood, as it is only partially understood today, it changed the world. If history is a guide, and it often is, then the boundary between the Quantum world and its successor will likely be discovered by serendipity, as quantum physics was, in the form of research into Artificial Intelligence. That being the case, there can be no predicting what that Quantum world successor will be or what effects it will have. I would disagree slightly with those who say we will unleash demons, for it is just as likely we will unleash angels. The problem is we won’t know which until it arrives.

The world once seemed a simple place
Where gravity and time and space
Controlled the cosmos as it seemed
To be for no one could have dreamed
That atoms were too large to be
A part of worlds we could not see
The Quantum world where spirits lay
Where even Heisenberg can’t say
The boundary when once it’s crossed
Into a world no longer bossed
By Quantum physics we have known
And once again the gods have shown
That man is angel, demon too
And when the Quantum world is through
And Newton is but applesauce
And demons now are mankind’s boss
The endless boundaries will still
Be there as mankind climbs the hill
Only to find the valley bare
And in the distance Grendel’s lair
Where, resting, man will one day cease
To look for demons in the crease
Between the hills and fix his gaze
Upon the angels and their ways

With Every Breath I Take

Hillary’s short term strategy is working, due to Trump’s combative nature that believes every blow must be returned with a blow. Witness the trap so cleverly set by the Dems with the Khan family, a trap eagerly stepped into by Trump. Every time Donald Trump tweets some late night tweet, I hold my breath, fearing the worst. If someone would only take his tweeter away and hide it at the bottom of his toy box, we would all sleep a lot better. He has this thing wrapped up. The only thing that can lose this election for him is himself. Please, someone shout, yell, scream. No more ad lib, ad hominem tweets during the dark hours of his soul. If he keeps it up we will lose the last best chance to keep our country.

The words get tangled in my mind
I scream please stop for goodness sake
I pray his tweets all go unsigned
With every tortured breath I take
Why does he think he must respond
To every slight both real and fake
I shiver with a deep despond
With every sobbing breath I take
If Clinton wins we lose it all
I cannot sleep, I lie awake
In dread of all that could befall
With every fearful breath I take