Prewar Whisky

Turkey has long been an Islamic country, but now, with the failed coup, the terror is loosed and Erdogan will take the country further down the road to radicalization. The situation in the Middle East is changed, and we do not yet know to what degree. Will Turkey align itself with Iran? It is time to lay in your stock of prewar whisky. Bushmill’s is my drink of choice. On the rocks, with doritos and sharp cheese, late at night, an entertaining book on paleontology or the Crimean war to hand, the clock pushing two a.m. It is in these early hours of the dark that the furies appear, with their lurid tales of the horrors soon to come. It is then I believe the world is moving irreversibly toward ultimate chaos, despair and the death of nations, all of which could have been avoided had we only had the spine to stop the maniacs in their tracks when we had the chance. But we didn’t, despite their constant insistence that as soon as they had atomic weapons they would use them on us, which we have chosen not to believe. There may still be time, but that time is growing very short, which is why I have laid in my stock of prewar whisky.

The North Koreans test their missiles smug and unconstrained
With toothy smiles and goofy grins they tell us they are trained
On California while they work on missiles longer ranged
And in the White House all is calm, for nothing has been changed
In Teheran the mullahs sleep the sleep of honest men
They tell us they will kill us and they even tell us when
The White House says there’s naught to fear, it’s all a great big bluff
Designed to force the West to give them their share of the stuff
That we the West have stolen from the outer world so long
And missiles and atomic bombs are meant to redress wrong
The Turks have said democracy is not their chosen choice
That they prefer the word of Allah to a Western voice
And Erdogan sets out a radical Islamic State
And dreams of Ottomanic glory and the Caliphate
Meanwhile Islam kills at an even more alarming pace
The EU says that terrorism must assume its place
As part and parcel of the way we now must live our lives
That Allah and the Koran are how modern life derives
Its culture and its institutions and its death to Jews
And that is why I’m stocking up on Irish prewar booze


The tachyon is faster than light, and therefore capable of passing through a black hole, and what is more important, returning across the event horizon. I spoke to a just returned tachyon recently, asking what he found on the other side of a black hole, and he said, “Turtles.” I looked at him blankly, and he explained, “Turtles all the way down.”

And so it was the truth be known
The universe was once more shown
To be composed of turtles at its core
And most of us, it is believed
Are comforted and much relieved
To know we’re on firm ground and what is more
That underlying all the fuss
About the science all of us
Had learned about the universe in school
That stars and galaxies were bound
By gravity to spin around
It turns out it is turtles in a pool
Of rubies radiating light
That held the spinning stars so tight
And generated energy that spun
The turtles in their manic dance
Upon the rubied pools that chance
Had placed beneath each black hole with its sun
And thus it is we have today
A universe where children play
Amid destruction, killings and the lot
Where madmen now have atom bombs
And women choose to not be moms
Because they know that death soon marks the spot
Meanwhile deep in their ruby pool
The turtles seem to keep their cool
For they have seen it all take place before
For crises come and crises go
And then they’re gone before you know
The turtles know beforehand what’s in store

The Supreme Court

Everyone knows the presidential election of 2016 will set the political course of the United State for the next three generations. A Republican victory is said to be critical to ensure a continuation of the country as a constitutional republic. Yet history tells us the Republicans, even when they hold the White House and the Senate rarely seat a conservative justice on the Supreme Court, while the Democrats, in similar case, always seat a progressive liberal on the court. To answer why this is, we must recognize that Republican senators always vote to confirm the progressive liberal Democrat by saying the president has the right to nominate and have confirmed whomever he wants, while Democrat senators never vote to confirm  the conservative constitutionalist, saying he is out of the mainstream and attacking him in the press so viciously that the Republican president ultimately yields and nominates someone who is not only amenable to progressive liberal views but embraces the progressive liberal agenda. So maybe the election of Donald Trump will have no bearing on the seating arrangements on the Supreme Court.

Republicans in Senate full arrayed
Determined that this time they’ll not be played
Hold hands and swear that they will all hold firm
And vote to seat a Justice with life term
Who promises to rule within the book
The Constitution never once forsook
Who promises opinions set in rhymes
While never seeking praise from New York Times
They swear their nominee will see the light
And never vote the Left but always Right
And with huzzahs they seat him on the bench
Next to the smiling, handsome Lefty wench
Who bats her eyes that promise sweet amour
And pretty soon he’s voting five to four
To sell his soul for Leftist songs of praise
And swears he’s been a Lefty all his days

Cleveland 2016

The Republican Party National Convention will be held this coming Monday in, of all places, Cleveland, a city where a Republican is nary to be found, and where the streets outside the convention hall will be filled with Black Lives Matter protesters and the sweet smell of napalm.

The protests grow in rage and size
And sudden, to no one’s surprise
With Black Lives Matter in the crowd
The sound of gunshots grows quite loud
And placard waving Soros folk
Insist that all inside shall croak
As fires flare and pipe bombs boom
Unheard by those inside the room
Deciding who to nominate
The man who’ll surely dominate
The coming match for the big prize
While outside folks with blood red eyes
Turn all the streets to battlegrounds
Filled with black smoke and raucous sounds
Of voices filled with righteous rage
All reading from the same old page

And The Winner Is

The rise of the cult of identity grievances and racial politics has taken us, in Dallas, to the first tiny steps in the coming race war, and the leftist war on the white middle class has taken us to the brink of a political revolution that so far is a peaceful one. Are these two trains destined to collide head-on? And if they do, will it be a peaceful collision?

We see the killers in our minds
Composed of many different kinds
Of people with their grievance set
In stone with goals that can’t be met
We see the snipers sitting high
On buildings dark against the sky
The targets large in sniper sights
And only bullets now have rights
But who will lose and who’ll have won
We’ll know at setting of the sun
When losers shuffle on the planks
Where nooses stand in serried ranks
The job complete, well, in a way
Although an onlooker might say
That doesn’t it seem very strange
That nothing seems at all to change

What The Flowers Know

The murdered Dallas police officers have been laid to rest, with only the flowers to keep them company.

The caskets heaped with flowers stand so quietly at ease
The smell of roses hanging in the sweet and heavy air
The flowers say to those who kneel before them on their knees
That everyone encased in bronze insists it isn’t fair
That they should be the ones who pay the price for others’ sins
To which the flowers answer that when payback time comes due
And hatred and the blood-lust rises and the rage begins
You can’t expect that others die while sparing only you
The flowers bid you come in close , then whisper low and say
The roses claim it all began with such a gentle start
When government said government and taxpayers should pay
A bride price for the left behind to help them do their part
In making this the land of opportunity for all
And In so doing we must separate the very tribes
So that we may identify for whom we make the call
To whom we give what once was yours in forms of grants and bribes
The sweetpeas whispered softly in a voice but hardly heard
And said identity was trump and disenchantment grew
Among those who no longer took the rulers at their word
And soon the country found itself completely torn in two
As tribal hatred took the form of violence and crime
At which the lilies shrugged and said it’s coming to a head
The tribal wars increase and get more vicious over time
Which leads to us, the flowers, to accompany the dead
And so the caskets heaped with flowers steady grow in size
As Black Lives Matter calls for blood and calls for cops to die
Are answered in a summer night before our very eyes
With only wilted flowers left to tell the reason why

Stupidity Or Malice

Deciding whether Obama is acting out of stupidity or out of malice is a close call, but in close calls I believe we should lean toward that which would hurt us more. Stupidity is easier to cope with than malignant design, and therefore I am inclined to credit Obama and his administration with malignant design. Not even stupidity is stupid all the time, but malignant design is malignant all the time. Deliberately bringing Islamic terrorists into the country is not stupidity. Deliberately flooding the country with third world Mexicans in order to establish a permanent welfare dependent Progressive Left electoral majority is not stupidity. Obama promised to fundamentally change the country, and he has. This is not stupidity. The stupidity is all on those who voted for him.

Obama knows, the witches know
Just what they do and more
As surely as we know winds blow
Debris upon the shore
The scattered ashes of the lives
Obama has ensured
Will not be free if one survives
With life to be endured
Surrounded and commanded by
A folk not of our race
Strangers brought in on the sly
To rule and take our place
Stupidity is all about
And ignorance sublime
Yet with Obama there’s no doubt
Its malice every time

The Custodial State

Way back in ancient times, the 1970s, Marshall McLuhan said that the world, because of the reach of radio and television, was now a global village. Britain has now voted to leave the global village, and if we and the world are lucky, this rejection of the EU may result in the collapse and destruction of the global village. The global village of Marshall McLuhan soon turned into a Custodial State, where unelected bureaucrats in Brussels and DC decided how the people of once independent states were to live and die, where every aspect of the lives of a once free people were to be conducted. It would appear that the driving force behind the British exit from the EU was the demonstrable fact that the open borders policy of Brussels led to unlimited immigration by people who shared none of the traditional values of the British people, just as forcible immigration by Obama is the driving force of the American presidential election. The British people booted out the guardians of the Custodial State. And so will we come November.

Quis custodiet, said poet Juvenal of Rome
And who indeed will watch who watches us
Surveillance cameras everywhere, your television, home
Your cell phone tracks you riding on the bus
The Government is hidden from the simple folk like you
Their diktats come as silent as the breeze
Compliance comes as readily as slaves are wont to do
While guardian custodies do as please
The brave new world is here at last, the media full swoons
The Ministry of Truth would never lie
And so the world will never hear of darknesses at noon
And never hear the prison inmates cry
Volkischer Beobachter, Prava and the New York Times
Show glowing pictures of the Leader’s men
While never mentioning the murders and the other crimes
That go unnoticed time and time again
Ipsos custodies is the tag line of that ancient line
Yes, who will guard the guardians we hate
Just keep your nose clean, voices low, and all will be just fine
We love our lovely guardian sweet State

The Gentle Sound Of Rain

James Comey, the Director of the FBI, announced that in spite of the mountain of damning evidence against her, Hillary Clinton is cleared of all charges. The Left has won, and we enter the era of lawlessness where the connected and the powerful are above the law. The Left captured the ballot box some time ago and now rules in perpetuity, and we now see that that rule includes the complete and utter disregard for the law. And that is tyranny. The Left has won, and Barack Obama has completed his fundamental transformation of the United States into a third world dictatorship.

Outside the shuttered windows comes the gentle sound of rain
And in the distance, dimly heard, the rumble of a train
The mournful whistle as the cars climb slowly up the ridge
To disappear in doppler’d tones and race down for the bridge
The rain was welcome to the few who worked the fallow field
Surrounding shuttered windows of the folks who would not yield
Who waited in the darkness for the knock upon the door
And to the freight yard where the crowded boxcars stood before
The darkened freight yard damp and cold, lit by a tiny lamp
The passengers bound for the far re-education camp
Inside the shuttered boxcar came the sound of moving train
And in the distance, dimly heard, the gentle sound of rain

A Chance Encounter

Bill Clinton sat in his private plane on the tarmac in the VIP section of Phoenix airport waiting for the private plane of Loretta Lynch, the Attorney General of the United States, to land. When it did, he left his plane and walked into the AG’s plane where the Attorney General dismissed her staff and had a private thirty minute meeting with the ex-president, who, along with his wife, Hillary Clinton, are under criminal investigation by the FBI and Loretta Lynch’s Justice Department. Outrage ensued, though the leftist media hardly mentioned it, with cries in some quarters that the Attorney General recuse herself from the case against the Clintons, plus calls for a Special Prosecutor to be appointed. It has been suggested that Bill Clinton clumsily damaged his wife’s political chances by his inappropriate actions, but I don’t believe Bill Clinton was clumsy at all. I believe Bill Clinton was simply pointing out to the Attorney General that the Clintons are wired in at the top and are well known for handsomely rewarding their friends, and that Hillary has stated many times that she plans to keep Loretta Lynch in her job. The fix is in folks, and Hillary skates. At least until Trump is elected.

A meeting in a private plane
Just old friends reminiscing
They talked of grandkids in the main
But what is it we’re missing?
Corruption is a Clinton trait
The law is meant for others
And so in Phoenix he would wait
And give to her her druthers
A pleasant job, a pleasant life
A private plane for travel
Her job was safe with old Bill’s wife
Don’t let it all unravel
He smiled and said this little chat
Stays in this plush compartment
A ruling by the AG that
Is shared by your Department
Allowing a free honest vote
No more investigation
And you will get a thank you note
From a rich and grateful nation