Missouri Waltz

Continuing our discussion of yesterday, about college campuses and how the sensitivity of one or two people saying they are uncomfortable about a word or look can cause administrators to tremble in their boots, radical activists, mostly black, have taken over the University of Missouri, forcing the president of the university and the chancellor of the university system to resign amid charges of racial insults and a swastika formed out of feces on a dorm restroom wall, which black students have determined to be a racial epithet. The charge of racial insults was lodged by two black students, without any evidence such insults actually happened, and the feces swastika appears to never have happened as well, since the picture of the feces swastika offered as proof appeared on the Internet well over a year ago. The entire incident has the appearance of being a power grab by a group of radicalized students who believe their sensitive natures must be protected from such injustices as free speech and other micro and macro aggressions. The mob succeeded brilliantly in taking over the university and forcing jelly spined Leftist administrators to resign instead of suspending the lot of them, including the mostly black football team, which joined the protests, threatening to forfeit the rest of the season. In some ways the Leftist fun of the 60s, barricading Deans in their offices and generally raising hell on campus, has never left, particularly when you realize those 60s radicals are now the faculties and administrators of our universities, and who have spent decades teaching kids that the United States is an evil hell hole that is better destroyed. But the question is, is the Mizzou debacle just some kids having fun or is it the beginning of an anti-white, anti- white-privilege campaign that began in earnest with the call to murder cops, a call fostered and abetted by Obama himself.

A small swastika from feces
Could have been a couple Reeses
Peanut butter cups if it exists at all
School kids dancing at a party
Laughing loud and well and hearty
At the jelly spines they lined against the wall
First demanding that they cower
Then commanding that white power
Must surrender to the student’s just demands
That free gin and vodka tonics
With diplomas in ebonics
And that campus dances now use all black bands
With a president aloof and
Begs and pleads for just some proof and
Says a feces swastika defies the norms
Then it’s time to start a riot
Thinking now’s the time to try it
And just by the way set fire to the dorms

The Ignorance Of Bliss

Colleges and Universities have reached the point where every word or thought or action of every person on campus is offensive to someone, and therefore the word or thought or action is to be condemned and the speaker, thinker or actor is to be excommunicated from the race of the anointed people who think only Progressive liberal Democrat thoughts. I spoke to a progressive liberal arts major the other day and she said the world would be a far better place if only she and her roommates could decide who would be in it.

We do not like to hear, she said
About the rights of those whom we
Would much prefer that they be dead
Than come to speak of things that be
Offensive to the lonely ones
Or to the people in the room
Who do not want the rapist sons
Of right wing zealots take the bloom
From women who hold virtue dear
And want no man to dark her soul
And so by means that we make clear
A man-free world our sacred goal
Free speech is but a hidden snake
Come lurking in the shadowed grass
To strike, inflame, and try to make
Their horrid worldview come to pass
She left me there, and walked away
So proud to lead the bully charge
Of holding ignorance at bay
And dumbing down the world at large

The Ruler Of The Forest And The Trees

At a hearing of the Senate Armed Services committee recently, witnesses offered up their strategy on how best to meet the challenges of the next decade. But force structure and strategy is not so much dependent on the nature of the situation, as on the nature of Man. Man is, by nature, acquisitive; always was, always will be. The ruler of the forest and the trees schemes to embrace his neighbor’s land and his neighbor’s wife, all the while his neighbor lusts to claim the flocks and meadows of another as his own. And so it goes, and so it shall ever go, for the nature of man resides within us all.

The ruler of the forest and the trees
Lusts fiercely for his neighbor’s wife and land
No matter that the land he lusts to seize
Is barren, burnt and windswept driven sand
Meanwhile the ruler of the stones and rocks
Looks hungrily on meadows bright and green
And longs to sweet embrace his neighbor’s flocks
A hunger that is sharp and knife-edge keen
And so it goes, for nature has installed
Desires for aggrandizement and rule
To plunder neighbors smiling and be called
Admired though he be unjust and cruel
For history has favored those who fight
To take by force from those they deem as weak
To conquer and to rule by divine right
And as it was it is, and as we speak

That Crowley Girl

The rebellion of the downtrodden Republican candidates at the screaming bias of the MSM moderators during the CNBC sponsored debate has made for a one day story, and will not change a thing. No one on that CNBC panel is in the slightest abashed, nor will any paid-up member of the MSM/Democrat punditry change his ways. It was a good show, but that is all it was, a momentary blip on the screen, a shout in the darkness, a stamping of feet in frustration. It will not change until the culture changes, and the culture shows little chance of changing any time soon. Just ask Walter Cronkite or Candy Crowley

Our Uncle Walter showed us who was boss
When he declared Viet Nam war a loss
And presidents and congressmen agreed
That when the Walter spoke we all would heed
When Candy splattered Romney on the floor
The public thought it cute and nothing more
But now the tide has turned because of Cruz
And for the time at least that is good news
The MSM has had a long time ride
Determining the rising of the tide
Insisting that the rising of the sun
Occurred because of what was on Page One
Perhaps the role of pundits is now gone
Perhaps no more the Candys will they fawn
Upon the Democrats and pave their way
The skeptic says that that will be the day

Black Swans

A Black Swan is an event so rare as to be unpredictable. Such an event was the election of Barack Obama in 2008, a man so completely unknown as to be someone from another planet, another dimension. I dreamed of black swans the other night, and in my dream there stretched before me the mirrored surface of an enchanted pond, upon which uncountable numbers of beautiful Black Swans moved effortlessly, in rhythm with the visible, shimmering, multi-colored music. As I watched, a tall, slim Black Swan detached himself from the rest and approached. Smiling, he said appearances were deceptive, that he was the only Black Swan, that the others were illusions, Black Swans in waiting, and that 2016 would see him in all his shimmering glory, the ultimate Black Swan, the end of everything Black Swan, the demise of the West and the rise of the Caliphate Black Swan. He smiled again, darkness closed in and the shimmering music faded into silence. I stood on the shore of the enchanted pond as his parting words came out of the darkness.

Black Swans, he said, both come and go
Affecting both the high and low
For no one knows when one will come
With death for many, life for some
The many swans upon this pond
Are mine, we form a common bond
For crises are our stock in trade
And only then are we displayed
I came unknown in year 08
I warned you of your coming fate
But listened well did none of you
And now the butcher’s bill is due
His voice trailed off, the darkness rose
To see the pond begin to close
Black Swans took wing in serried flight
And laughing, bade us all good night

Not Necessarily So

Some things are so and some things are not. We have learned, over the past six years, that what comes out of the White House is not necessarily so, that we must look not at what Obama says but what he does. When he says Iran will never have The Bomb, that is not necessarily so. When he says he has Israel’s back, that is not necessarily so. When he says victory is not an option, that one you can believe.

It ain’t necessarily so
That roses continue to grow
In the Mullahs’ soft hearts
As their hatred departs
No it ain’t necessarily so
Al Qaeda is finished, you know
And ISIS is done and laid low
Because tough Barack
Would cut them no slack
But it ain’t necessarily so
The Clintons all give him a glow
He loves Hill and not just for show
He wants her win
And swears it’s not spin
But it ain’t necessarily so
Barack says when time’s up he’ll go
Give speeches, play golf and lay low
He won’t run again
He promised, but then
It ain’t necessarily so
Barack says the US his ho
He’ll stick it to her and then blow
There never was doubt
What he was about
And that IS necessarily so

All As Planned

Events are proceeding according to plan. Biden is out and Hillary is dead woman walking. The MSM feed an unintelligent and undemanding public with Democrat talking points, the Judiciary is in the Democrat bag, the Legislative branch has been neutered, and the Executive is in full control. Once the Left gains power they do not give it up peacefully. The summer of 2016 will see the Obama orchestrated indictment and collapse of Hillary Clinton, and the nomination by acclimation at the Democrat National Convention of Barack Obama for a third term, defying anyone to test the power of the Twenty-second Amendment. It is not at all clear that Obama can be defeated. He has the plantation black and Hispanic vote, a large percentage of white women still believe in him, and by definition half the population has an IQ below 100, making them natural Democrats. That is the crisis of crises. Everything else, Obamacare, ISIS, Putin, China, is bean bag. The election of 2016 will determine if the United States continues to exist in its current form or becomes a Leftist tyranny with a President for Life. The second crisis will come when the Electoral College meets. Will they certify that Obama is duly elected? If they do, the third crisis will be upon us, as armed men gather at the Capitol steps on the morning of 20 January 2017. If those armed men are wearing Obama green, then we shall have gone the way of Republican Rome.

The Republic that stood for some hundreds of years
Collapsed without whimper or sob
As silent with sorrow we yield to our fears
And hide from the wild, baying mob
Who hoist on their shoulders the man of their dreams
Proclaiming him Emperor and King
Erecting in place heavy stout wooden beams
From which all opposing will swing

A Letter From Camp Middle East

A hopeful letter home written by a young boy named Allan Sherman to his parents in Connecticut.

Hello Muddah, Intifada
Abbas smiling, he says nada
Says it’s peaceful as can be here
Says the roses are in bloom as you can see here
Mr. Assad has a friend now
Things are on an upward trend now
Putin sitting in the middle
Of the oilfields while Obama plays the fiddle
Engineers now dot the landscape
Calculating with a handtape
Crawling over all the bare fields
Laying out dimensions for the Russian airfields
In the Ukraine Russian Spetsnaz
Putin says that he who gets has
Russian families, Russian squatters
Putin says it’s all about those mudders, fodders
Meanwhile China building islands
Turning ocean into highlands
Tells our Navy they’re on notice
Not to go there as agreed to by the Potus
Dearest Faddah, dearest Momma
I hear back home there’s great drama
Mr. Trump will make things better
Mudda, faddah kindly disregard this letter

A Stark Choice

Conservatives have a stark choice – vote for people you know will betray you or don’t vote at all and turn the country over to the raving, slathering, red-eyed wolves of the Left, who are determined to destroy the country in order to create their tooth, claw and gulag fevered vision of Utopia.

In deepest dark the red eyes gleam
Unblinking, fixed upon the prey
Who, sleeping, deep within the dream
Of law and justice and fair play
Are unaware of sharpened teeth
And bloody claws approaching near
Believing still they can bequeath
Democracy to those held dear
The wolves though differ in the view
That law and justice are for all
They know the law is for the few
Who listen to the thrilling call
Of lupus howling in the night
From snow packed woods and moonlit hill
The eyes full red and shining bright
While at their feet the dead lie still

The Smooth Glide To The Third World

Political parties are not only composed of people with similar ideology, but also include people who just do not like the people in the other party. Identity politics will prevail, and if Blacks remain the solid base of the Democratic Party, then Hispanics, who will be fighting Blacks for the same slice of pie, will gravitate to the opposite party, regardless of the internal ideology of that party. Demography is destiny, and by the time European whites are in the absolute minority in their own country, the fight between Blacks and Hispanics will not only be for a slice of the pie but for absolute power, for both groups are essentially undemocratic. The transition of the United States into a third world thugocracy will not be pretty. I have strongly urged my grandsons to buy guns and learn to use them, because they are going to need them.

The Dems believe illegal immigration
From Third World countries means that they will rule
Forever in what was a First World nation
Not understanding that life is a duel
For jobs and perks and slices of the small pie
That sits there for a few of Third World folk
That people’d rather fight than see their kids die
From sheer despair at bearing the Dem yoke
Hostility ‘tween blacks and browns occurring
With violence that runs the streets blood red
With bloody minded racist leaders stirring
The mob into a rage that counts the dead
The whites retreat to safer, saner places
With fences and guard towers manned with guns
As all about them rage contorted faces
Kill each other’s laughing baby sons